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One common request for production systems is some kind of monitoring/surveillance.

The current NI System Monitor 1.1.1 lacks official support for the recent LabVIEW versions and the most recent RT controllers.

For an updated version I would love to see some kind of S.M.A.R.T. support (including wearout indicators for SSDs).

If the access of the S.M.A.R.T. is technically not possible during normal realtime operation, then it would be nice to get that feature when running in save mode.

I'd like to see NI develop a bullet proof way of communicating with a cRIO over TCP/IP to command that it reboot with no startup program, etc. I'm sure it can be done.  The question is whether the cost to do this is warranted.  I've had the cRIO lock up because of a corrupted deployment and it would not respond over the network until someone physically attended to it by setting the "no app" switch.  This cRIO was mounted on a bridge over the Delaware river and was a real hassle to get to, and throw, that switch. 


Suggestion: Dedicate a portion of the processor code to servicing the Ethernet ports that can't be consumed by the startup program.  The user needs to always be able to reboot the cRIO and download new code.

Create an RT FIFO Primative similar to the Get Queue Status VI that returns the number of elements in the RT FIFO. Currently RT FIFO Read and RT FIFO Write return the number of elements in the RT FIFO, but calling these VIs will affect the contents of RT FIFO.


A workaround for this would be to maintain a count on a shift register and increment/decrement it each time the RT FIFO Write/RT FIFO Read VIs are called. This solution does not work when trying to monitor the size of an RT FIFO in a running VI in another VI that is used to detect memory leaks.

The new web interface offered when you install a system image to an RT target is very rudimentary, it offers almost none of the configuration options that we had in the Silverlight-based version. You cannot edit the network card settings, you cannot change the date and time etc. All it does is refer you to use NI Max, which kind of defeats the point of having access to basic config without the need for anything but the web browser.


Are there any plans of an update to the web interface any time soon? 

As explained in this post, the most recent version of SQLite library via opkg is 3.22.


This version is so old that it doesn't support all the features available via the SQLite Library publish by Dr Powell.


as explain in the post above, compiling a newer version from the source code available at is doable (I did it for v3.34).

In some critical installations, it is absolutely unacceptable for the cRIO to be able to "go to sleep" (as it can do now) and be unreachable via its Ethernet connection, especially when it runs out of real-time in the software.  Currently when a cRIO becomes unresponsive, it requires manual intervention to kill power, push buttons, and/or set DIP switches, etc. to bring it back to life.  Our company is dealing with cRIOs that are located in places that are very difficult, expensive and time consuming to reach.


I strongly recommend that NI add, Ethernet accessible, hardware based reset/restart functions to the cRIO.  These functions should be completely separate from current cRIO software and hardware and should allow remote control of the cRIO power supply, and setting of the dip switches and reset buttons mounted on the cRIO front panel.  NI-MAX should be enhanced to allow a user to remotely control cRIO reboots via these functions.

It has a number of improvements over the plain Reliance FS. One of them is, that there is no (less) preformance degradation when there are over x*100 files in one folder. One thing to note is that the system suffers even if you are not reading the files from the folder in question.

Start including the Ethercat industrial communication drivers in the device driver DVD. 

Currently, non default map constants (like the one shown below) are detected as fatal insanities when deploying to Real-Time targets and crash the LabVIEW development environment.


There is a workaround, which is to build the map from other data structure constants. The map constant above was built from the code below. However, it takes longer to execute, and it takes more code. That is okay in some cases, but it would be better if there was an option to simply use the map constant above.

build map.png


Any controller that contains either a USB or SDIO card would have a bootstrap loader, available when the controller is in safe mode, that would allow the controller to be loaded up to operational status (OS, Drivers, RTEXE, etc...) from a deployment image contained on the removeable media. This would allow a replacement controller to be unboxed and installed in a stand alone system without the need to install software from a development computer.


This is one of those things that sort of bridges between a hardware and software request.

Today we have to remember to build the application prior to deploying it. Instead of just throwing an error if we choose to deploy without having built first; either automatically run a build if necessary, or offer to do so.


Very often it would also be nice to just be able to select "Run as startup", and get all 3 stages done automatically (build, deploy, run as startup).

As far as I know, a thumb-drive or hdd that you connect to a cRIO USB port has to be formated using FAT. It would be very handy if NI would support attaching drives formated with the Reliance NITRO file-format. This could in some cases also lessen the pain of being stuck with Reliance (old version) on the cRIO main drive. It would also ensure deterministic file IO on the USB drives in case of power failure, un-expected device disconnection etc.


Thanks for reading and hope for your vote!


I frequently use the RT Debug String VI to add useful comments about the health of my application. Sometimes, I believe it would be nice to indicator error/danger conditions with a different color of text.

Do you feel it would be useful to have the ability to change the color of the string? If so, vote me up.

The best thing about Pharlap is that it will run dll's like Windows.


Making shared libraries for VxWorks (*.out files) is quite an arduous process if you don't have Wind River software.  The GNU toolchain, that used to be the free alternative, does not work on Windows Vista or 7, leaving those of use who have chosen to upgrade out of luck.


It would be great is LabVIEW could provide a way to compile *.out files from the Application Builder and thereby provide more complete support for development on the CompactRIO platform.

Currently many controllers from NI only have one way to deal with a failure to contact a DHCP server - they will try to use a link local address (APIPA). If this too fails (due to Proxy ARP e.g.) the controller will not even start the RT Application (which might have other tasks to do regardless of the lack of netorking and/or might run code that will remedy the IP problem), but go into Safe Mode. This in itself is bad enough and should be changed to allow the application to be run, however the main request / idea I have will fix this indirectly:


- It should be an option to not fall back to APIPA, but to use the last known configuration (as long as the lease time is still valid). If the DHCP server is down the controller will have the IP-configuration it received the last time the server was up, and will use that configuration.



I know there has been some discussion in other areas about an "Android build" of LabVIEW, but I am thinking specifically about the Touch Panel Module.  An option to target and deploy an HMI onto a low-cost, readily available Android tablet would be tremendous for RT projects, in my opinion.  I've got 2 different projects right now that require expensive Win7 tablet PCs, but all they are doing is running a custom LV application to be used as a basic HMI, which is complete overkill.  I know the webserver is an option, but it has some limits, and I'd like to have multiple varieties of HMIs available to show varying degrees of system data and performance, which gets dicey with a webserver situation (at least, in my experiences so far).


It just seems like expanding the TPM so that it's keeping up with the times (Android and iOS dominance) seems like a win/win for NI and developers.

Not to be used in time-critical sections, of course 🙂 But sometimes you need to get some data on the target, and ZIP archive would be an obvious choice.

I can currently write code that uses the SysConfig Restart VI to run some cleanup operations and then shutdown a cRIO.


However, if I rebuild my startup application in LabVIEW, and then want to deploy it (or want to restart from MAX) then I have no easy way to call this code when restarting - the cRIO restarts and any handles are left open/half-open until the other end clears them up.


Could we have the ability to register a shutdown VI that is called whenever the target is programmatically restarted (e.g. by LabVIEW's Project Explorer or MAX)?

I understand that in the case of failure and a hard reset via the Reset button then probably this is impossible/implausible, but in the "normal" workflow, this would be a useful addition.

Hello LabVIEW Enthusiast,


NI has introduced malleable VI function since LabVIEW 2017. It is a great function to have in advanced LabVIEW application development.

But "Stall Data Flow.vim" function is missing in Real-Time Target OS from timing function palette since 2017.

It is not like you can not use malleable VI in RT side, I have copied same VI from desktop VI to RT VI. It works fine without any error or broken arrow.


NI should include this types of VIs in RT package by default.

RT has Type Specification Structure too, which creates question for me on this missing VI.


If you have any reason(s) to share on this why it is not included on RT side, Please share your thoughts.


Host Side.JPG

Vinal Gandhi

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Currently, on the cRIO-903x series controllers, the Chassis Temperature and the USER1 push button are only available on the FPGA and require the chassis to operate in a Hybrid Mode in order to use both the Scan interface and those chassis I/O options.


The cRIO-902x series allowed for both of these I/O options to be accessed in the real-time OS directly. This small feature would add convenience on the cRIO-903x series controllers.