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Has anyone ported a real-time VI originally targetted to cFP to install on cRIO?

I have an older control program, main VI and subVIs built in LV 8.6 and run on a compact FieldPoint controller.

I would like to be able to use much of it on a cRIO-9036 or something similar.

I am wondering whether LabVIEW (2015 or so) will do the work for me.


Thanks in advance.

It seems making plugins to Visual Studio has been abandon but it wouldnt matter if we were able to use a modern and full featured IDE.  Use eclipse as a base IDE and develop features on top of it including the ability to downlod and execute code to real time targets.  Developing an IDE based on eclipse isnt unhead of this is vxworks does with wind river workbench.

I would like a new string data type - a "rt string". There would be a property of the variable that would set the max. string size, and allocate memory at once for that size, similar to the way it would work in C. Additionally, there would be rt equivalents of most of the string functions, that would function just as in C, and would not result in memory allocations. This would allow (at least some!) string functionality in deterministic loops.

When I could run (and debug) my RT application from Development environment then I should be able to Build this application for my RT target without problem = without Error no. 1502 = LabVIEW:  Cannot save a bad VI without its block diagram.


In this discussion I could see that this problem is not new and NI know about it. For hits how to solve this problem, please, follow same link.



I have to generate and store the jpg file in crio. The code works on my local PC. When I deploying the same in crio, it didn't work. It returns zero. Also I tried the paths like c:\test.jpg or /c/test.jpg; both didn't work. We are using Labview 2011 full professional development system.


cRIO 9025

Chasis 9113

NI 9229 


Thanks for the help.






I don't know really it is possible or not in analog domain but I am bit confident about this in digital domain.


I am facing this problem in my current work. Why not, we implement this as mentioned in the below picture in labview. If I am wrong with anything, please let me know.


I am just using labview from 2 months and I am not sure this is possible or not. I guess I can not use any filter here for separating exactly those peaks. May be in some systems, peaks shouldn't place always at the same frequency.


I hope you will understand after a look at picture. I just have taken that picture from my notebook. If it is not clear, I will try to give much clear picture.

LabVIEW provides an interactive front panel when running an RT application in the LabVIEW development environment.  However, once you deploy this front panel is no longer available.  I think it would be helpful to make the front panel look differently or somehow give a visual warning/indication that this is a debug feature and will not be available at deployment.  (This could be something as simple as a watermark, similar to the evaluation watermark that LV employs).  Many new users get confused and run into problems by using lots of front panel controls/indicators and then finding out later these are not applicable at deployment.

I have been recently tasked with porting a Windows DLL to Phar Lap. So, code is not my own, there's a lot of it, and the DLL is crashing with stack overflows. Recursion is not a problem here, so it's obvously a local variable space. The default thread stack size is 128k, which is a bit on the low side. An ini setting that would allow to increase this would be most welcome. Especially if you're not getting errors in your own thread, but in the LabVIEW ones.



RT Engine it does not include the front panel in built executables, see link. Control references are only supported when the development system is connected to the RT target. It would be nice if there was an option to keep the front panel in some of my VIs when built into an executable and run without a user interface.  This can be a powerful tool.  One could parse a cluster and creating files based on properties of controls.