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When dealing with large TTL data log files (approximately 25 Gb or more) in DIAdem using BUS CAN converter, users have reported encountering freezing issues during the conversion process. 

Furthermore, if you check the Task Manager, it may show that DIAdem is not responding, which typically implies that the software has crashed. This lack of feedback makes it challenging to determine whether DIAdem is functioning correctly.

However, despite the apparent freeze, the conversion process eventually completes successfully after approximately 30 minutes.


To improve the user experience, it would be beneficial for DIAdem to provide clearer feedback during large file conversions, such as a progress indicator or status updates. This would help users understand that the software is indeed working and prevent unnecessary concern about crashes.


Thanks in advance!

Having Python as a scripting language is great, however, Python is not (yet) supported to develop user dialogs. Dialogs must be developed using VBS. While a Python script file can be run from a dialog using VBS, this leads to many Python files containing snippets of code. Updating the approach for GUI (SUD) development would be a welcome improvement.

Some Python plotting modules have an HTML output for Python graphs (Bokeh and Plotly, for example), and Plotly specifically has some really cool interactive HTML plots.  It would be great to have a simple HTML Display Type in VIEW to be able to view these plot outputs!

Please implement dark mode in Diadem. 

All my other softwares are setted up to dark mode, when I exchange to Diadem is like going out of a dark tunnel in sunny days.


When exporting plots of measurement analysis, unfortunately the reader can only see what was plotted and is not able to zoom / scroll through 2D plots or rotate 3D plots. Matlab .fig figures go into that direction but can only be used with Matlab. 

I know there is a way to import 3D objects into a PDF,  but I haven't used this so far. I've heard of the possibility to integrate Matlab plots into interactive PDFs - maybe s.th. like this can be made possible with DIAdem?   


I think a document with interactively viewable plots would be a great advantage in discussing test results, and it would be a big advantage for NI DIAdem if the tool would be able to export plots / documents in such a way. Maybe PDF is an option - maybe there are other/better formats for this. 

EuroNCAP has introduced a new injury criterion for the THOR dummy, which would be very handy to have as a function native to Diadem through the Crash Analysis Toolkit



I have not found a straight forward way to label axes ticks with text instead of numbers, so I would suggest this as a feature in a new release. At the moment we are working with text fields which is a very cumbersome way and not very user-friendly when editing the report.


It would be very nice, if there would be a way to implement text labeling for x, y and z axis.


Example: I have a state channel that contains values between 2 and 8. This channel is an assignment channel, therefore I could create a corresponding text channel containing the status description for each value. This way, it would be possible to display a table but as the channel has 3600 values, this wouldn't be very readable and a 2D plot of the state events would be more helpful (e.g. state changing from off to passive etc.) 


One could for example expand the axis scaling settings where a tick channel can already be assigned by a text + index or an assignment channel assignment.


Today I found a way of combining a bar plot and a line plot to achieve this goal, which still isn't a nice way: 

- Bar plot:  X channel is a numerical channel only containing NoValues [Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv] (we don't want to see bars), Y channel is a string channel which contains the Y-Axis labeling we want [ -,off,-,on,-,passive,-,idle] (we want our labels on Y-Index 2,4,6,8 - that's why the string channel has "empty values") 

- Line plot: X channel is the time channel, Y channel is the state channel, containing values of the set (2,4,6,8)



When I am loading multiple same-named channels into the Data Portal from a DataFinder Search Results list (after 'searching for channels'), if I load these channels into the data portal, by default they all load into the 'default' group, and because they have the same name, they are re-named inside the Data Portal with suffix numbers.


I think it would be better to create a new group in the Data Portal with the name of the group the channels belong to in their respective files, or at least provide this option.

I would like a feature where you can add extra paths in DIAdem's Python implementation for user-specific Python library directories.


In Visual Studio Code you can edit the settings.json to add paths to:

  • python.analysis.extraPaths (for importing)
  • python.autoComplete.extraPaths (for autocompletion)



So stuff imported from "C:\Repositories\Python\MyLibraryOther\__init__.py" is directly visible on import alongside stuff in SitePackages:



I've been able to add further locations to the active DIAdem Python Path via to use programmatically:

import site


With that, I can "use" the script contents from both "Other" and "Site-Packages" items:



But currently I can only "see" items located within the Site-Packages folder:



-Josh Rewerts

Need a script command to disable the display of the local file system in the Navigator Browser window.  This can be done through the user interface as shown in the attached image, but an equivalent script command is not published.  Reasons:


1) Keep the user focused on using Navigator search within indexed search areas.

2) For custom applications powered by DIAdem



Ref: https://forums.ni.com/t5/DIAdem/Programmatically-hide-the-display-of-local-file-system/m-p/4184846?profile.language=en#M28896



In the legend of a 2D axis on the View tab, there is a property titled "Assignments".  Currently, the value it shows is only the default value of an assignment channel.  It would be really handy if the value displayed for this legend property would be the assignment value that corresponds the current Y-value of the cursor.  

There is only one way to edit the name of the DAT files in DIAdem DAC given in this menu below:


The customer would like to have an option that allows him to specify the name of the saved file after the VISUAL measurement is running. This is at the moment not possible with the options and the blocks set in DIAdem DAC

Errors occuring in Diadem user commands result in all running scripts aborting without any clear sign of the reason. The only means to find out is the log file in Diadem Script.

Support says this in a feature, as user commands are supposed to handle events and there should be no (frequent) error messages.

On the other side, user commands are the ideal place to have a user functions library as it is accessible from everywhere including dialogs. With ScriptInclude command such a library has to be included at every script start and possibly several times as dialogs have a separate script environment.


Therefore I would welcome an option to turn on error messages / beep when there is an error in user commands.

The current behaviour of silent abortion of any script is quite confusing, especially for people that are only applying scripts for evaluation.

Please bring back the "Help to Script File"-Button in DAC-Script Dialog:



We are using different scipts with multiple channels  and it was a great help to refer to the script documentation by a simle mouse click.


This was a great help to document our script functionalities and help to the users how to select a specific channel.

Many of my metadata properties are very long and do not display well in the DataFinder search results view.  I would love for an option to be available to "word wrap" the titles (similar as is available in the DIAdem VIEW legend settings).  


In my attached image, I can not see the title of my properties with the default length, and if I make the length long enough, I cannot see very many properties per page!



In the report area you can select a common x channel.

This option would also be very helpful in the view area.





Other IDE programs (like PyCharm or Visual Studio Code) have an "autosave" feature which is very useful! After a certain amount of time, the script you are working on is auto-saved (if it has been saved).  

I understand that DIAdem is not a console application, but a GUI-application.  Therefore, a python command like


val = input("Enter value: ")


will not work because sys.StdIn and sys.StdOut are not available.  However, this isn't well-documented and the error given isn't very helpful. 


There are other more complicated outputs that I have seen in the console area of my regular Python IDE (I usually use PyCharm) that fail with very unrecognizable errors in DIAdem Python, usually a string of errors in many scripts that looks very intimidating!  


It seems that DIAdem is just grabbing the simple "print" statements from Python scripts, and nothing else works.  This would be ok if these errors could be bypassed somehow?

The VIEW "Layout Parameters" setting "Word wrap" value is not persistent and does not seem to be saved to the DIAdem desktop "Desktop.DDD" file.  I think it should either be persistent or added to the saved parameters for the Desktop.DDD file. So if I change it, and close/reopen DIAdem, the setting is always changed back to deselected.  


The workaround is adding "View.Settings.UseMultilineLegend = 1" to some startup script which is fine, but I'd prefer it to be persistent upon changing it.


I'm a student in my last year of studies and I'm not that good working with scripts.

I work with Diadem to analyze my real-time data,  and when i import the excel files ( One year of data gathered in excel files separately ) into Diadem my columns change automatically to text format So i guess the solution in to write a script to convert my channels into Numeric format?
