It should be nice to add a new "Build specification" in Labview RT which could generated something like a RT Target installer.
This installer could contain ...
- The application to download
- The drivers required
- Additionnal custom files and directories
- The default setting of the target ( Like the MAX target configuration)
When the installer is executed, it should be nice to show all the available targets ( Like in Max ).
The user should have to select the destination Target in this list.
Then it should be nice to show the target configuration (like in Max), initialized with the setting contained in the installer.
An installation could be like this ...
- Launching the installer
- The installer lists all available (and compatible) targets
- The user has to choose a target
- After target selection, the installer should view the target configuration ( as defined in the Labview project Build specification properties )
- The user could then modify some parameters (like IP address)
- After validating the configuration, the installer should
- Install the drivers ... and perhaps the OS itself (as required by the project)
- Modify the target parameters
- Install the application
- Set Time/hour according to host target
- Download custom files and directories ..
- ...
- And restart the target
This feature could be an easy way to deploy RT application without having a Labview RT installed on the host computer.
A RT application could be installed completely by a final customer of the application, without having to install the Target, drivers ...
This could also be nice to clone many times a RT application.