Multisim Custom Simulation Analyses and Instruments Blog

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Register now for TOMORROW's IEEE Webcast on power converter controllers design for smart grid with NI LabVIEW FPGA and Multisim Co-simulation tools.

Register HERE


"Just say no to trial and error when designing your next smart grid power converter or flexible AC transmission control system. Learn how to fool proof your design cycle by applying appropriate validation and control synthesis techniques. New methods will be demonstrated through the design of two FPGA-based control systems: 1. A classic field-oriented control and space-vector PWM inverter and 2. The application of set-theoretic methods in power converter controller synthesis to optimize the reliability of the closed-loop system while protecting component lifetime.  Join us for demo based introductions to the proposed techniques, including: •     New developments in set theory to automatically synthesize low complexity control laws with strong reliability guarantees, •     Power electronics co-simulation tools for automated testing of FPGA control software, •     Real-time simulators and miniature-scale grids for rapid prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop verification, and •     Deployment-ready inverter stacks and FPGA control boards for high volume commercialization."


Hello Circuit Designers,

I wanted to bring your attention to recent update!

To be able to run a LabVIEW instrument in Multisim the LabVIEW Run-time Engine (RTE) version of the instrument must be installed on your computer.

We now have different versions of the instruments uploaded to the community page.

With Multisim 12.0.1 released on September the 14th of 2012, you get the RTE2012 automatically installed and can run all the updated versions of the instruments and analyses in Multisim.

If you are a Multisim 12.0 user you only have the RTE2010 and RTE2011 installed and will have to install the 2012 one manually.

We will always keep all the instruments up-to-date and available for download.

Please let me know your feedback and if you have any questions about installing a custom LabVIEW instrument for Multisim.

Mahmoud W

National Instruments


Have you ever wondered how long it would take you perform a few milli-seconds transient analysis of your circuit?!

Here is an analysis tool developed in LabVIEW that ties into Multisim simulation environment and could tell you exactly at what rate your simulation is running.

Multisim 11 and 12.0 download

Multisim 12.0.1 download



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Hello Circuit Designers,


Check out these circuit application examples in National Instruments Developer Zone with available downloads:


  • Using a Comparison Display To Show The Difference Of Two SPICE Based Signals
  • Using An Elevator Display With NI Multisim Simulations
  • Using A Phasor Diagram With NI Multisim Simulations
  • Input Signals From Any GPIB Device To Drive Your SPICE Based Circuit
  • Using An Expression Source To Drive Your SPICE Based Circuit


The latest downloads for Multisim 12.0.1 of these tools are also available for download below.


Best Regards,

Mahmoud W

National Instruments

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NI provides an enhanced circuits teaching solution with improved connectivity between Multisim and laboratory hardware.

NI ELVISmx 4.3.1 is the application software that supports the National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite II/II+ (NI ELVIS II/II+) and the NI myDAQ. These devices use the ELVISmx LabVIEW-based software instruments to provide the functionality of a suite of common laboratory instruments.

NI ELVISmx 4.3.1 contains the NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher, LabVIEW Express VIs and SignalExpress steps for programming the NI ELVIS II/II+ and the NI myDAQ hardware.

Here is the list of the  available NI ELVISmx instruments you can download and install:

NI ELVISmx Digital Multimeter

NI ELVISmx Digital Oscilloscope

NI ELVISmx Bode Analyzer

NI ELVISmx  Variable Power Supply

NI ELVISmx Function Generator

NI ELVISmx Arbitrary Waveform Generator

NI ELVISmx Dynamic Signal Analyzer

NI ELVISmx Digital Writer

NI ELVISmx Digital Reader

For more information on the features and benefits of the NI ELVIS II/II+ and NI myDAQ, click one of the links below.


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To properly install a custom simulation analysis or instrument in Multisim (created using LabVIEW), follow the below steps:

1. Open Multisim and check the default location for the User LabVIEW instruments path under Options»Global Preferences as shown below


By default, this path should be: C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\Circuit Design Suite 12.0\LVInstruments

2. Download the LabVIEW .LLB and .DLL files of the analyses (check the documents section of this community) and save them under the folder specified in Multisim Global Preferences as shown below


3. Restart Multisim, and these tools should appear in the Instruments toolbar under LabVIEW Instruments as illustrated below
