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Having 'undo' in REPORT is great, and would be just as great in VIEW!  Removing and adding channels from a 2D axis would be my favorite use of an "undo" function. 

In VIEW tab, when working with 2D-graphs some times it is useful to change the line width, the background color, the axis color, the line style... as in the REPORTER tab because for analyzing and studying the data before having the final data to report, the VIEW tab offers much more comfort. The Curve and Axis Definition in REPORT can replace the current 2D Axis System Display window:











Some Python plotting modules have an HTML output for Python graphs (Bokeh and Plotly, for example), and Plotly specifically has some really cool interactive HTML plots.  It would be great to have a simple HTML Display Type in VIEW to be able to view these plot outputs!

It's very common you need to do a presentation with several information and if you can put a video playing a synchronized video, map, audio and data graphs, like DIAdem VIEW do, your presentation will be cause a excellent impression. To do this today you need a capture screen toll, If DIAdem have a native tool to do this it would be great.






it would be helpful to have the following option in the View:

In case of moving the cursor through the 2D-Graph, I would like to have the table scrolling automatically the same way with highlightning the values of the cursors position. 


Kind regards


(Diadem 2011)



When I create a new 2D curve (or drag and drop from another area) in VIEW, I always get “name and unit” for the legend items.  For a table, it’s always Name, Group name, Length and Unit.


I'd like these defaults to be customized. For example, if I always want just name for my 2D axis system legends, I'd like to set this somewhere.  I think a great place would be in "DIAdem Settings -> General" near the "Colors" area.  

I'd like the legend items to transfer when data is dragged from one area to another in VIEW. Currently, for example when I drag a curve from one 2D axis in VIEW to an empty area, the legend items are the defaults, "name" and "unit".

Hello ALL,


there is only one manual scale to be set in a 2D graph in VIEW Panel. It would be a great idea if setting manual scales would allow you to set seperate scales for seperate plots on one graph.




Thanks, Piotr

Is it possible to expand NI Diadem View to an option that allows hiding of curves without changing the properties of the graph or curve.


See example in the attachments.


Thanks a lot


I'd like to propose a few improvements to the zoom functionality in DIAdem VIEW that are sorely missing usability-wise:


  1. Vertical band zoom: This would allow one to zoom in on a specific part of the y axis without touching the x axis. We have the horizontal, why not vertical?
  2. Sticky zoom button: When I want to zoom in to a specific part of a graph in successive steps, I have to click on the zoom button each time. It would be great to be able to click on it once to activate the zoom tool and to be able to zoom several times. (Not sure what the best mechanism is, but maybe a click with modifier key? Ctrl+click on zoom button keeps it active?)
  3. Zoom stack with undo: Following on from point 2, when I zoom in in successive steps, it would be nice to be able to go back to the previous zoom level. Right now I can only do a generic zoom out or cancel all zooming. It could simply be an extra button in the zoom palette that goes back up one level in the zoom stack (like an undo. It could even be integrated into a more generic undo functionality if it ever comes about.)


I think that for points 2 and 3 there are several ways this could be done. I think the focus should be on usability. The user needs to be able to navigate the data as quickly and as efficiently as possible and the current zoom implementation is clearly impractical for many users.

Sometimes you want to move an area around, and the only way right now is to re-create an area which is quite inefficient.



I am currently trying to use the new mapping feature in DIAdem 2010 to create a map of a drive route.  I want the map to contain a "bread crumb" trail of the route.  I also need the ability to change the each Lattitude/Longitude point to a specific color depending on another channel of data.  I have a report that does a similar task but I use MapPoint and Labview to create the map and then export it as an image and use DIAdem to grab the image and attach it into the report.  I thought I might be able to leverage the DIAdem 2010 mapping feature if possible. 


I have attached a map of what I am trying to do in the DIAdem forums at the following location.




Allow the background color for the VIEW window to be changed. Ideally to black to match the default color on LabVIEW graphs and charts. Difficult to see the lighter colors (yellow, orange) on a white background.



I noticed channels can be dragged and drop everywhere but in the calculator. Ths channel list is quite OK when havin a few channel in the Data portal but becomes fast ´a waste of time on bigger projects. Allowing to drag channel in ot would make it faster to use and also a bit more user friendly.



I have a customer who would like to use 3D Axis systems on VIEW section.


This function is for Report section.

As you can see below.DIAdem_Report.png


He would like to realize this function on VIEW section as well.


I wish this function would be made for VIEW section as well.




Eisuke Ono


In DIAdem 2018, the VIEW legend changed and multi-line legends are no longer supported.  I'd like to add back in a predictable multi-line legend option.  When multiple legend items are added in DIAdem 2018, much more of the screen is taken up with the legend (if I want to view all of the legend items), and less of the data area is visible.


I've attached two images to show the comparison of a 2D axes with 5 legend items in DIAdem 2017 and 2018. 



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Add more options for VIEW legends:

- legend position - top/bottom/left instead of only right

- allow floating legend



I checked the DIAdem hepl and saw that the time value converted in text only allows 4 digits for the fraction of a second.

But how can you display datetime in text for more precise values.


For example, if i acquire on a real time target, analog inputs data at 1MHz, all samples are more precisely time stamped than the best text value that you can display.


It would be very convenient to display time stamp like that : 06/19/2013 15:37:50.12345678

instead of that : 06/19/2013 15:37:50.0005


Thanks  !

Best Regards


Assignment channels are useful for converting extremely long text channels with repeated values into numeric channels for saving, but I feel like viewing the text values in table format is clumsy as it requires converting the channel back to text or manually looking up the value in the Assignments property "Parameters" dialog.


I would like to see a native option in the "Format" box to directly display the assignment text rather than the numeric value for assignment channels in VIEW and REPORT tables.

For example, in the Format Numbers dialog, in addition to Automatic ("AutoAdj"), Number ("d.dd"), Date/Time ("#mm/dd/yyyy"), etc. entries, you would also see Assignment ("Assign") option.  This would allow you to display the numeric value by default as it works today (to preserve efficiency in VIEW and backwards compatibility), or be able to see the text directly in the table.


A few challenges:

  • I assume this would make the channel read-only in VIEW, as the .Values AssignmentChannel property is today.
  • Displaying of text values for unassigned numeric ranges.  Probably just stick with "NOVALUE", but could also do "UNASSIGNED"?


I believe the same visibility could be accomplished through an X-Table toggling between .Values and .DValues, so hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult to accomplish natively.


I've attached some image mock-ups for clarity.



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Having a similar conditional formatting functionality as Excel would help a lot of people transition to DIAdem.