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When I right-click on a REPORT sheet, I have the option to "manage..." sheets.  There is a similar but less functional dialog available in VIEW.  I would like all of the functionality of REPORT "manage..." sheets in VIEW.

Hi all!!


I would like to be able to view the date of a time channel in a 2D Axis System. I know I can do it transfering it to DIAdem REPORT and then selecting the desired format in the axis, but I want to do it on VIEW.


I have tried with a waveform channel, a channel made of time stamps... I think it would a great feature!!



When dragging and dropping a channel into a View or Report table from the Data Portal, no matter where you release the channel, it's always appended to the end.  This can be frustrating if you have a large number of channels in the table, forcing you to rearrange the table after each channel is added.


I would like to propose the ability to drop channels in-between columns of the table, OR append channels on the end.

I would think that the area you drag the channel into would decide where it inserts:

  Between 2 channel headers (anywhere in the "Selected Channels" section or above) = Insert

  Anywhere on the "Channel Contents" section, row numbers, or blank area without channels = Append to end




In the DIAdem interface, there are menubar buttons available that allow the user to "Save ___ As...", whether it's a script, SUD, layout, etc.  In the script editor, there is also a "Save All" button that saves all of the opened scripts.  However, 9 times out of 10 I just want to save the current layout/script/whatever.  It would be great to have a standard "Save" button either in addition to or in place of the "Save As..." button in the menubar.


(Yes, I know I can use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+S" or click "File --> Save" but these options are not as readily apparent as the "Save As..." or "Save All" icons, so I find myself clicking one of those and then having to click several more times just to get out of it...when all I wanted was a one-click save.)


An added benefit would be (like in the Script editor), if the file has not changed then the "Save" icon could be grayed out.  That way the user would know that the current state of the current script/layout/etc was saved to disk.

When a large number of curves are displayed on a Report graph, it can be difficult to distinguish between the curves (even with different colors and shapes).  We had a user request the ability to hover over a curve and see the Y-Channel associated with that curve.  I think this would also be a neat idea for View (which already has some "hover" capabilities).  Multiple overlaid curves could either all be displayed (with color indicators?), or only display the top curve (since it's the visible one).




I would like to request th ability to "Freeze" columns in a view table so they stay on the left-hand side of the table as you scroll to the right.

The channel names/properties sticking at the top works brilliantly, but if you want to have a timestamp channel (or Timestamp, Speed, and Torque channels) visible when you have a view table with many channels you have 3 options:

  1) Scroll back and forth a lot

  2) Add a new occurrance of the channel(s) into the table and move it(them) to the correct spot

  3) Have 2 tables side-by-side and vertically scroll them both together manually


I would suggest 2 interfaces to select the columns to freeze at the left hand side of the table:

  1) Right-Click menu called something like "Lock Column(s) at Left" or "Freeze Column(s) to Left" (Or just "Lock/Freeze Column(s)")

  2) On the "Display" interface, have a "Lock/Freeze Left" checkbox on the columns in the Name/Format table (you may also want to have a "Lock to Left First # Channels" checkbox for the All/All of a group channel table options)  This should probably automatically move the columns selected to the top of the list so they appear in the order they will display in the table, as well as allowing the user to rearrange the leftmost columns (if they lock/freeze multiple columns)



In some advanced Data Visualization products, once you've created your views, you can filter out what is shown by selecting one of the channels and assigning filtering on that Channel. So suppose, I Chart A and B vs. C. I can then tell the chart to only show me data points where A is between 5 and 10. OR, even better, some allow you to show only A data points where D is between two values. OR, even better, if E is a category like "fruit" I can ask it to show me only the values of A that correspond with fruit channel E being "orange".


Excel accomplishes this by using the Autofilter on your data. Of course, it becomes global for all the charts that refer to that data at that moment in time, but at least it can be done quite simply.


The only two acceptable ways known to do this in Diadem are both tedious to set up and laborous to repeat.

1) Write what is probably a complex script to import the data in the first place. Every time parameters for the filtering change, the data must be re-imported. UGH!

2) Write a script to copy the data from main group to a sub group and the script performs the filter. Again, every time parameters for the filtering change, re-run the script. Nevermind the enormous coding time to create a flexible enough script.


I realize the end-user is probably different, but Tableau does an excellent job with visualization, and does this feature seamlessly.

Every once in a while when working with larger VIEW layouts or especially REPORT layouts, I find myself wishing I could mass-manage the sheets.  For example, through the manage sheets dialog, I'd love to be able to highlight (shift+click or ctrl+click) multiple sheets and delete them all at once, or highlight multiple sheets and move them all at once as a group.  Yes, I know I could manipulate them via SCRIPT, but sometimes I just want to be lazy!

I work with a lot of data that contains true/false parameters.  I spend a good amount of time converting these channels to 0's and 1's in order to plot them with other numerical parameters.  Excel will automatically plot true/false parameters as 0's and 1's, but I prefer to use DIAdem.  It would be very helpful if DIAdem could plot these without converting them.

Add the ability to decode relative paths for video files within View and TDV files AND make it the default setting.  Adding an option box to the "Select Video File" dialog to allow absolute or relative path decode.  Also have the system recognize a relative path (i.e. ".\video.avi").  This may require a new TDV-Path variable.  This allows moving large video/data views to networked based folders allowing other engineers/customers to review/manipulate the data.





What I am missing in the DIAdem VIEW Map option is the start point and end point of a plotted trip in the DIAdem VIEW Map option.


It would be nice to have this option like it is in Google Maps and even better if this is possible for multiple trips (for instance with the option to use/select the engine speed as an input value to divide the different trips in case of merged data). See the attachement for an example!







It would be very helpful if there is a possibility to indicate Points Of Interest in the DIAdem VIEW Map screen.


I have a list of appr. 900 interesting locations (workshops/dealers) in Europe and if I draw a route on a map in the DIAdem VIEW it would be very helpful if the I could indicate the workshop/dealer locations, to see for instance quickly that issues occured at a workshop/dealer or close to a workshop/dealer.








When you have loads of pages in VIEW and would like to print a specific one, there is


1. no option in the print menu to print "selected page", and

2. no way to find out which page number you are currently on, except for counting manually or per script.


Even in the "manage" menu you get no information about it. So any ID link would be great.

There is no way to initialize two "cursors" or objects in the DIAdem VIEW Map Display Type. It would be helpful to be able to track to or more objects moving on the map simultaneously.

Add a function to setup live measurements of curve data between cursors.  As the cursors move the function uses the new curve data between the cursors to immediately update the measurement field(s).  This functions comes standard on most advanced digital oscilloscopes.  The oscopes' usually have a measurement screen where measurement parameters are entered for the specific measurement desired.  My immediate desire was just to measure RMS between verticle cursors but by no means should this function be limited to one measurement type.

Would like the option to display bus data (string value). This is useful for displaying communication bus data such as serial UART, SPI, I2C, etc. Instead of a plotting a single line, plot two lines with the string data value (hex, decimal, ASCII) in between. Example below is serial UART data, the digital serial bit pattern and the decoded byte value in hex. The second screenshot is from another program, but it would be nice if DIAdem had this capability too!


Instead of this:



Do this:


This ability to add graphic images to the background of a 2D axis system was just added to Report in DIAdem 2012.  Would like to be able to do the same in VIEW.

I find 4D plots very useful in LabVIEW, for example for displaying how sound pressure varies across a 3D surface.

It would be very helpful if DIAdem could do the same. 

I'm new to Diadem so this may be an option that I've not discovered yet...


I have very large data files which take a couple of seconds to display on a chart.  Annoyingly if I want to add an extra plot to an existing graph Diadem re-draws all the graphs, not just the new data.  I have my own LabVIEW code which only plots new data whilst leaving old plots on the graph and it really speeds up the process - can you do something similar with Diadem?



For example, if the Waveform X-Step Width of a waveform channel is "500", DIAdem VIEW synchronization - using the default playback rate of "1" - will playback one value every 500 seconds, as though it is assuming that the channel was recorded with one data point every 500 seconds.  If you set the Waveform X-Unit to "ms" (because you realize your data was recorded every 500 milliseconds), the playback rate of VIEW synchronization is still one value every 500 seconds.  The only way to adjust the playback speed is to adjust the VIEW synchronization playback rate.  It would be nice if VIEW synchronization playback respected channel units.