I noticed that LabVIEW has two ways to download instrument drivers: direct downloads from IDNET and through the NI Instrument Driver Finder.
[NI Instrument Driver Finder Menu Option Image]

[Alternative NI Instrument Driver Finder Menu Option Image]

When downloading drivers directly from IDNET, the file must first be unzipped and then placed in the <National Instruments>/labview xxxx/instr.lib folder.
The easier option when working with LabVIEW, the NI Instrument Driver Finder, downloads the files, unzips them, and instantly gives you access to example code or palette of VIs for communicating with said instrument.
If possible, could we add a similar tool to LabWindows CVI? It would be nice to have a menu option which would open a CVI Instrument Driver Finder.
The interface could then allow users to easily find a driver, download it to their Instruments Folder, see example code and start work.
Since probably 30% of all LabVIEW adoption comes from driver downloads and driver development, maybe this is an investment of resources worth looking into?
[Image of NI Instrument Driver Finder]

[Image of Instrument Driver Finder example code, project access, and palette access]

Shawn Shaw