Regarding NI Spy and its sequel NI I/O Trace,
Can we have a configuration option to set the length of exported strings?
Example: Current output of NI I/O Trace as shipped with NI VISA 5.1.2:
(.txt export)
149. viWrite (USB0::0x1234::0x1234::12... (0x073F41D0), "STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:E...", 26, 26)
(I've omitted thread/proc ID and timing information)
00000000: 53 54 41 54 55 53 3A 51 55 45 53 54 49 4F 4E 41 STATUS:QUESTIONA
00000010: 42 4C 45 3A 45 56 45 4E 54 3F BLE:EVENT?
(.csv export)
"viWrite (USB0::0x1234::0x1234::12... (0x073F41D0), ""STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:E..."", 26, 26)",Prozess-ID: 0x00001734 Thread-ID: 0x00001468,Startzeitpunkt: 16:59:33.749 Aufrufdauer 00:00:00.000,Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS),
It would be extremely useful - especially for CSV export - to have a configuration option to let me configure how many characters to print before the string is truncated, so that I get this...
desired output in .csv or .txt file (untruncated string):
"viWrite (USB0::0x1234::0x1234::12345678::INSTR, ""STATUS:QUESTIONABLE:EVENT?"", 26, 26),process ID: 0x00001734 thread ID: 0x00001468,start time 16:59:33.749 duration of call 00:00:00.000,Status: 0 (VI_SUCCESS),"
Thanks for considering this.