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This will be useful to deploy projects to end-users more easily. Currently, NI only provides the USB Dongle Solution for LabVIEW, TestStand, and LabWindows™/CVI™. More software into this USB Dongle will provide more flexibility in the licensing options to deploy to end-users.

1) Allow us to easily comment each step 

2) Allow us to easily see comments as we step through the program in config mode

3) Allow us to comment the state diagrams

4) Give a record button in the tool bar in config mode to record acquired images (without having to put down an image logging step in the code)

5) Give a film strip view option (perhaps between the main window and the steps) to show the last n images.  The strip would show the short history of acquired or selected images so it would also work with a multi-camera setup.

6) Give an option when image logging to save the image as shown by the color pallet lookup table displays.  (especially good for 3D or thermal images)


Currently IMAQ Is Vision Info Present / Remove Vision Info 2 VIs only accept all or single specific type of Vision Info.

It would be useful to check for and remove multiple types of Vision Info in an image at once (e.g. all grayscale template info) and these VIs actually already support this, but for some reason the functionality is not exposed:



Please consider this improvement while fixing a related bug.

Lines at quadrant angles are smooth. But lines with different angles are jagged. It would be better if the rough edges are smoothed.

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Hi, I hope NI can put an indicator for the "IMAQ setup match pattern" VI to control the iteration times or total runtime. In my project, I can only afford a certain length of time for searching for the pattern. After that time period, I need to stop the  "IMAQ setup match pattern" VI and return "null".


Please add this function to the VI in the next version. Thank you very much!

Dear Team.


It would be great to have multi - level password in VBAI.


This Direct option would be very helpful to limit accessible features in inspection interface for operators, line in-charge, supervisor and for managers.


Thanks and Regards,




Is it possible to programtically validate the license status of the NI Viison Run Time Engine and Vision Acquistion, and alert the user few days before so that the license can be updated. Is there specific VIs which would perform the license check of the NI products?.



Saranya Venkattaraman.

I am using NI Myrio FPGA to do image processing. With the help of NI Vision Assistant 2014, i am able to get the image from usb webcam. I want to use FPGA to convert the image to HSV. However the functions provided in NI Vision Assistant only allow me to get either H, S, or V image at once.

In order to solve it, i try to create one more FIFO to store the image. Here is my FPGA coding.

fpga code.jpg


However, I do not know how to access these FIFO. Here is Labview coding.

code 1.jpg

code 2.jpg

All these coding are actually generated by NI Vision Assistant and i cant find where can specify which FIFO i am accessing. Any can help me?

What about the possibility of targetting PXI-RT (ETS or Linux-RT) from VBAI ?

According to the manual, only dedicated vision systems are actually supported as remote targets, but maybe in the future ?


Also, what about directly targetting FPGAs 🙂 ?


Thanks in advance,


It would be better if we can readily store a set of images in database using some vi, so that we can compare it with real time images.

MAX will list all of the Cameras that are attached to the PC, along with attached DAQmx Devices, VISA Devices, and other Devices.  There is a very useful DAQmx System property node that returns an I/O reference to all the DAQmx Devices, allowing the user (me) to "find the USB-6002 with serial number 12345 that I so carefully calibrated and am using in my Test".  I'd like to be able to do the same thing for Cameras -- I have multiple cameras visible in MAX, but I want my code to use a particular Camera and would like to programmatically "discover" it by enumerating the Cameras and getting relevant properties (Name, Serial Number, other ID information, potentially IMAQdx parameters) to find the Camera I want to use.


Bob Schor


Linescan smart cameras

Speed and sensitivity critical.  48kHz line rate with excellent sensitivity from blue through NIR.  Blue is needed for online fluorescent applications, white light is for most applications, and NIR for inspections that need to avoid the influence of graphics.

Please include more default VBAI System Variables.

Common and useful system variables would include:

1) Disk Space Remaining on Target default volume (or by drive letter would be even better) in MB

     Target_C_Free = 2203

     Target_U_Free = 435000

... VBAI crashes systems too often when people fill up the hard drive.  Currently the only way to prevent this is with call LabVIEW steps even though the info is already in VBAI under the Target Info menu, just not in the system variables.

2)  Target Temperatures (very useful for NI targets but could be skipped for PC targets)

3)  CPU Utilization %

4)  Pretty much anything you already have in System Info under NIMax would be very useful ... Port IP Addresses, MAC Addresses, Firmware Versions, OS , serial #,  network devices, etc. 



No need to kill the CPU updating these every 10msec. 


5)  And finally an "on event" Boolean flag to snapshot the event log into a string array would be fantastic for troubleshooting.  Currently I can only see the event log when in Config mode which isn't nearly as useful.




I noticed different cameras have different names for setting exposure time. Here's some examples:

  • CameraAttributes::AcquisitionControl::ExposureTime
  • CameraAttributes::Exposure::Value
  • CameraAttributes::AcquisitionTrigger::ExposureTimeRaw
  • etc

It would be really great if there was a way to have one function "Set Exposure" that would work for most cameras. This is analogous to how in IVI, you can have generic instruments and use the generic drivers to control them. Maybe we could assemble some sort of user driven database file we could download to provide a look up for the correct attribute for a given camera.


Another option is to iterate through the list and see if any of those attributes are present on the given camera and apply the setting to the one that's matched.


There's other really common settings like exposure mode (auto vs manual), gamma, gain, pixel format, etc

When a camera is not present in MAX, it disappears.  I'd prefer if they would show but show disconnected, so that they can be managed a bit and allow us to change some items (at least in the database, I know changes will not be saved to the camera).  For example, in the image I'm upgrading a camera, but I cannot rename this camera because the previous camera had the same name, and now I need to go find the old camera, rename it to something else, THEN I can name the new camera with the original name.

When merge overlay is performed on image with multiple overlay groups, it merges selected group (correct) and clears all others (wrong!).

It seems that it should affect only what has been said to it (selected group), and do not touch what belongs to somebody else.  If you need to kill all other overlays, use clear overlay after it. Or new version needs a switch to not kill other groups - for compatibility.

Imho this behaviour is more like a bug.

VBAI is a nice tool for some vision program, but the interface language is english.   I know many engineers in China cann't understand it cause of English interface. but I can translate all of the interface words into chinese. If you wanna expland market in China, maybe i can help you to translate it.

The type of barcode is ubiquitous and it is on all USPS letters.

I want to view the camera image collected through the capture board through LabView.
The camera I'm using is a Fluke IR camera, and it doesn't support connection the same way as a regular camera. That's why I'm trying to do the display through the capture board.
When searching for previous experiences in the community, there were cases where VMS (Video Measurement Suite or Video master) solved this problem, but I couldn't find VMS.
This seems to be an unsupported feature already, is there any other way?

either in Image Information, image overlay text, or any other indication can be useful especially when dealing with a lot of images or/and processes using the same control