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Based on this thread, CVI RT doesn't support the new standalone cDAQ (9132, 9133, 9134, 9135, 9136, 9137) when they run NI Linux Real Time OS.

I think that this support should be added asap because it allows saving CVI code already developed

I would like to propose an idea for National Instruments to come up with a LabWindows CVI Peer Review Form. This form would be used to help a software programmer or engineer review someone else's code to ensure that they wrote the best code possible. It would provide a quick set of questions which the reviewers would need to look for in the code and then answer. The form would help ensure that the code was designed in a format that is easy-to-read, efficient, set up for all possible failures, is as organized as possible, etc. There could be separate sections based on the different types of files, whether it's a .uir, .c or .h file.


This idea is not new, since here is an example style checklist for LabView:


On high resolution monitors, the icons in the toolbar, project tree, and library tree in CVI are really tiny. Font sizes can be configured, but icon sizes cannot.

As usage of high resolution monitors becomes more common, I think it would be very helpful to provide some configuration options to optimize the appearance and usage of the CVI environment on monitors of varying resolution. Please refer to the attached screenshot for an example of this behavior.



because I had installed CVI2010 on a brand new Windows 7 machine, I was curios to find out about all the service processes running on the system.

It seems that there are quite a few NI services that start after log-on. Some of  them seem superfluous, such as the Lookout Citadel service (no LabVIEW, no Lookout installed), but due to the lack of any information I did not bother trying to stop them



1) NI should critically review the services and only start the services that are absolutely needed.

2) Services that are optional might be selected by a checkbox during installation or from the Options / Environment setting

3) NI should provide some documentation / explanation of each service and why it is needed.



support of Unicode character set would be most welcome