LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange

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it has been discussed a few times in the forum of how to implement a check box control in a table, e.g. here. At present, this type is not natively supported. In principle, as second best possibility, one could use suitable image controls, but the 'correct' image of a check box depends on Windows version, theme, etc. Hence it would be much nicer to have a native check box control - thanks

I think it would useful to allow for a progress bar control type in a cell of a table.


This could be done manually by loading different canned images into the cell, which would be stills of a progress bar in motion.  But that's cludgey.

I want the batchbuilt window sizeable.


My cws consits of 51 projects, and the configurations-list is no longer useable. I just can see the project names, but not able to see the "release/debug/..." additional informations of the projects to be built. The list looks like

" c:/../../Task_AutomaticMeasurement.prj - D"

" c:/../../Task_FullAutomaticMeasurement ..."



There are several quests for better graph and UI controls, and I support them all Smiley Wink


Now, I was very impressed looking at the new WPF Graphic controls of Measurement Studio 2012 and would like to have similar features in C (i.e.CVI), too.


So in addition of having classic controls and lab style controls may by one could also add this new scheme of controls...??? The graph control in particular looks very promising, with color gradients and polar plots, both frequently requested features, here realized in a new style. Wanna have...


For a fist impression, see here 



In few applications, while plotting multiple parameters on same graph,we should have multiple Y-axis insertion.

Like 1 parameter's axis limit is 0 to 50 while other has 0 to 5000 ,so when we plot both ,the change in parameter with smaller value is not seen look like plain line.


Also when we move cursor to graph it should show value at that position.



right now, the length of the constant names assigned to tab panels in the UI editor seems to be limited to 10 characters, e.g. TABPANEL_10 does not work anymore.


I suggest to lift this limitation.



I would consider it quite convenient having a simple CVI function, similar to GetPanelDisplayBitmap, providing a true screenshot image of a CVI panel.


As discussed here, the CVI function GetPanelDisplayBitmap does not provide a screenshot image of the panel, i.e. the bitmap lacks all OS-specific features (color theme etc.).


For backward compatibility reasons, NI should provide a new function, returning a bitmap that looks the same as if I would have pressed Alt+Prt Sc






sometimes I use the built-in PromptPopup function, in order to get the user input. It is very comfortable having this feature, but I'd appreciate it more, if I could initialize the "Response Buffer" passing a not void string.

This means that if the string passed to Response Buffer is void, the function works exactly as today. Otherwise, if the string contains some value, the input field of the popup window will be initialized with that value.


Kind regards,




building on this suggestion I'd like to see a more comfortable panel of the UI editor for editing label/value pairs, see below:




Suggested changes:


  1. Add the possibility to dim / hide the selected entry
  2. Add the possibility to insert separators in the GUI editor, not only programmatically


A useful CVI GUI tool would be the addition of sideways tree-style tab control.  I am surprised to see no mention of it in the forums.  Is there already some solution for it, or perhaps some Active-X that can do it?    Nevertheless, it would greatly modernize the GUI arsenal.

Adding to the many pending feature suggestions for tooltips (here, herehere, here and here) I'd like to suggest one more: please make tooltips more beautiful, i.e., drawn with rounded rectangles and with a shadow, see below.



We're currently in the era of the large widescreen monitor.  Can we have the title bar in the IDE show the full path name of opened instead of abbreviating it with '...' if the window is large enough to show the full path name?  Thanks.



I have 2 suggestions for graph improvements.


1/ I suggested the first one a long time ago but it has never been implemeted so I try again trough this idea exchange board.

I would like to have the possibility to change the grid lines style to dash or dot. Today only solid is available.

I have written a routine to do it for printing graphs but as you can see it in the attachment it is not always working properly.


2/ It would be nice to have the possibility to set a percentage of transparency for the plots. In the example attached you can see if the green plot would have been behind the blue some parts would not have been visible. By setting the percentage of transparency of the blue one the green if behind the blue would become partly visible.


These 2 features are already available in the 3D graph so it would be nice to have them also on 2D plots.




I was operating on Pop-ups,I felt need of feature like java.


In Java when we have display Message we can easily concatenate variable with message string by using '+' sign.




    In LabWindows,when do message pop up,



    int var = 3;


    MessagePopup("Message count","Message No : "+var);




     such a feature should be there.otherwise we do some string operation then Display message like " Message No : 3".


    So it increases string operations and string operations gives problem in memory management.


So at least In API's such '+' sign for concatenation of string with variables should be available.

Even if it is C language supported.




I am still happy that the tooltips have been moved from the Programmer's Toolbox to the UI editor. Smiley Happy


Now when using them on a more regular basis it turns out that the programmer might grant the user the option to show / hide them. As a result, I would need to programmatically browse through all controls to change the respective parameter (the same is true for the delay time).


Hence I propose providing two new, more or less global attributes (these could possibly be panel attributes) that set the tooltip enable/disable status and the on/off delay times for all tooltips (on a panel).


This feature is not urgent as it can be implemented already now with some effort, but it might make code a bit shorter and simpler Smiley Wink


The more 'urgent' tooltip requests are here...

As suggested about two years ago ( I am still looking for a possibility to explicitly show the positive sign of a numeric value in numeric controls, i.e. the control should display '+6.789' instead of '6.789'.


Phrased differently I would like to have one more attribute 'SHOW_POSITIVE_SIGN' that could be set to


0: don't show the plus sign, i.e. display numbers as is implemented now, default

1: show plus sign for positive numbers

2: show plus sign for positive numbers and zero



When working on laptops the room space in the UIR editor is relatively small compared to the size of actual wide desktop videos. Moreover, starting from CVI 2010 the user interface browser consumes additional room to the right of the editor, thus leaving only a few space to design/review panels.

It would be a good addition the possibility to preview an entire panel on the screen, with the ability to zoom in and out so that one can have an idea of the final aspect the panel will have.


Hovering over the breakpoint diamond, a tooltip should display the breakpoint condition.



Useful breakpoint information, such as the breakpoint condition, line number or hit count could be displayed when hovering over the breakpoint diamond in the source editor. Otherwise, you would get this kind of information by looking at the breakpoint in the Breakpoints Window or the Edit Breakpoint Window.

Somewhat similar to SetBreakOnLibraryError, I suggest the addition of a function that does a breakpoint when the specific attribute of a panel/control changes.
It could work like this:

SetBreakOnCtrlAttributeChange(panel, control, Attribute)

with also:

ClearBreakOnCtrlAttributeChange(panel, control, Attribute) // Use -1 to clear them all

SetBreakOnPanelAttributeChange(panel, Attribute),

ClearBreakOnPanelAttributeChange(panel, Attribute) // Use -1 to clear them all


Example of use:

SetBreakOnCtrlAttributeChange(panel, control, ATTR_CTRL_VAL)

SetBreakOnCtrlAttributeChange(panel, control, ATTR_VISIBLE)

CVI currently provides a way for alligning controls (using the dotted matrix). But, with large UIs, this method is inefficient and users must align controls over large distances by hand from the Property Browser. I propose an upgrade that would help users achieve alignment by drawing lines that unite the control being moved and any other control that happens to be close to alignment with it (Figure 1).

This feature would increase usability and productivity (which seems to be decreasing by increasing the size and complexity of UIRs).



Visual Studio's alignment for the C# Interface Editor

Figure 1: Control alignment in Microsoft's Visual Studio 2010, for the C# interface editor.