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When you need more room on the block diagram or front panel, you can control-drag a rectangle and white space is inserted.



While that is a really useful feature, it tends to create bent wires and insert unwanted whitespace.  More than 90% of the time, what I really want is inserting horizontal space or vertical space.


In the two pictures below, I'm control-click dragging to create more space on the right hand side of my for loop.  Before I do this, my 'y' control and '3' constant are nicely aligned, but after control-click-drag, unwanted white space has been inserted.  This problem gets really yucky in large, especially ones that are longer than one screen side, but nicely aligned vertically.



I propose that in addition to Control-drag creating rectangular white space in a block diagram, Control-Shift-drag would create only horizontal or vertical white space, essentially locking the rectangle to either zero height or zero width.  As it stands, it's a pretty manual and tedious process to move the mouse pixel-by-pixel until I see the dashed lines disappear.

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One of the common uses for the compound arithmetic node occurs when you are refactoring a VI, and realize that you need to, say, add or multiply three numbers instead of just two. So, you replace, say, a multiply node with a compound arithmetic node. The wires all stay corrected which is nice, but the default mode is "add", even though you just replaced a multiply node.


With just a teensy bit of added intelligence in the diagram editor, the mode could be set in the compound arithmetic node, based on what it was you just replaced.



Since most vis have error connectors at the bottom, would it make sense to have an option to have error connectors of a property node at the bottom too?

A shift register for a stacked sequence structure can be handy for some applications. 

It will be great if we have separate option for labels position of controls and indicators. So that one can define control label default position "Left middle" and indicator label default position "Right middle".3.JPG



This will be better





Prashant Patel


A customer was recently trying to use a change in the SRQ serial line to trigger another process within his code.  After much searching he was able to find out which class and property to specify on his property node for him to access the SRQ information.


However, he couldn't find this functionality using the search palette.  Yes, he could have started with the propty node, chosen the correct class, and moved forward to find the correct property.  He could only work backwards using many LV help articles to find out which menus to choose. 


I propose that we add Classes and Properties as two more tabs in addition to Functions and Controls (below).  This will help customers quickly find properties rather than having to troll through help articles. It could save people much time searching for the correct class and property in menu after menu.



ImproveSearchPalette.jpgSmiley Very Happy

As a newbie to LabVIEW (don't hold it against me, we all have to start somewhere) Smiley Indifferent I get frustrated by having to search for items created on the front panel that get dropped in an almost random position on the block diagram and visa versa.


How about having a fishing basket anchored somewhere on the screen for both front panel and block diagram when any new and unused items are kept together until required.  As you create something on the front panel it gets automatically put in the basket so you can find it easily.  The same would work when you create something on the block diagram it would be placed in the front panel basket so it's easy to find rather than having to wonder where it is.  The more complex the layout the more difficult it becomes to find randomly placed items. I know that there are a few ideas posted that relate to improved placement of items and I support them all but having unused/new items in the same area so they can be found and quickly placed would be a great help for me and I suspect others also.  If the fishing basket could be dragged around the screen and then left anchored you could drag it around and place it where you are intending to do your next bit of coding and as you progress in your project all the items created will by definition be where you want them most. This also has the added advantage of focusing your attention on items that still require using or placing.

Common use case for Event Structure is to create a User Interface. 


I would really like to see an Add Event Case called "First Run" under the Application category, as shown in the attachment.


- Makes it trivial to set up first run options/settings


- Executes before the timout begins counting


- Requires no elaborate code outside the event structure (usually messes up the code window a bit,) no code to generate pre-event triggers leading into the structure, no special handling of timouts using shift registers (all alternative methods.)


- Makes a clean place to always see what happens when the code first kicks off.  

Right click on a constant on the block diagram and have an option to "create type def".  Automatically creates a (strict) type def with the name of the constants label.


Also - double click type defs to open them for editiing.  Similar to double clicking a subvi to open it.


Maybe "mouse move event" should olso be generaten when rotating mouse wheel. Now the only way to discover scrolling is to monitor panel activity.


bez tytułu.JPG

With the roll of the middle key of a mouse, the size of the diagram can be changed  to make the whole diagram more clear.


in addition, whether can assign the cpu core in while loop structure not just timed loop structure?

Using the Stacked Sequence Structure can be an option to perform sequenced coding in a reduced space.


Usually some data, typically the error cluster or other wiring, have to be passed frame by frame for all frames.

A the present, the only option available is the "Sequence Local" and, in case of many frames, this becomes difficult to read and to maintains, and fills a lot of space.


In "While loop" the "Shift Register" passes data from an iteration to the subsequent iteration, in similar way, I suggest to introduce a "Shift Register" for "Stacked Sequence Structure", where the data are passed from a frame to the subsequent frame.
















































In my opinion a "Shift Register" could simplify and clarify the use of "Stacked Sequence Structure".




Many times, there arises a need where we have only the top level VI of a certain project, and hence, a missing subVI prompt comes up, like the one shown below:


Missing SubVI


Now, if there are tens of such SubVIs which are missing from the Main VI, we need to press "Ignore Item" many times to finally open the top level VI. If not this, then you will need to press Cancel in the following prompt.


How is the idea of having one "Ignore All" button here, which would cut short this process and directly take us to the top level VI, something like this:





I just took a look at the LabVIEW Web UI Builder and was very impressed with the way it lets you buy a UI. I started to become very jealous and wondered why core LabVIEW does not have these features. A couple that I first noticed was when placing a button alignment lines were drawn so you can properly align with current objects on the front panel. Another cool feature was on the block diagram and along the top the properties of the currently selected item shows up to allow quick easy editing.


There was all kinds of great features this had that make builder a great UI that really need to be in LabVIEW. I have been wishing for something like this to come out in a future version and seeing this gives me hope.


Another great feature this has was having the palette docked on the left side so you can easily see and drag everything onto the panel.



By default, the a newly created vi will have the 4-2-2-4 connector pane, But when you create a new subvi from a main vi, LabVIEW generates Connector pane based on number of input and outputs. I propose the newly created subvi will also have the 4-2-2-4 connector pane and hence mainitaining uniformity through out.See the attachments. This saves the pain of chaging the connector pane, disconnecting and reconnecting the input and the outpus


Also if there any error terminals present in the subvi then the same should get connected to the bottom left and right panes and Path/refnum to the top left and right pane




I believe that an express VI that implements a Karmaugh map to solve a boolean equation would be good.


The VI should receive the input, request the output(s) name(s) and provide to the user "truth table" the define the boolean equation.


At the end, the VI should provide boolean gate array that fulfill the table.




This would help us to implement complex logics with simple boolean algebra expressions.





Some times a test must check an output that doesn't have a precise value and this output is expressed as a value +/- a band.


The current "In range" implementation requires that we provide the max and min value and indicates if the value was coerced or not.


I believe that we could have an LabVIEW primitive that works likes it but just check the value against a reference with a safe band expressed in absolute value or percentage.


The code would be something like this:


In range.PNGCheers.

It would be nice to be able to Remove Bad Sires from a specific region and not the whole application.
E.g. if a selection is made it should only delete bad wires within that scope.
Or if I right click on a structure, it will give me an option to remove all bad wires in its diagrams and all sub structures diagrams.

When you try to align element on the front panel the grid is not always enough (especially if you want to align with a picture). Same thing when designing custom controls. A zoom will allow a better alignment.

I did a search and did not find this. Hopefully it is not a dupe.


The event structure has become an almost integral part of LabVIEW programming. It should no longer be considered an advanced tool that is only needed in the full development system and higher. Events should be included in the base package. Maybe it means slightly increasing the cost of base and slightly decreasing the price of full. I don't know. But there should not be a LabVIEW that does not include the event structure. I own (my company owns) the development suite so I get nothing out of this. But if I were to buy my own copy I could almost see spending $1,249 but definately not $2,599. I am not going to spend over a grand for events and I am not going to program in LabVIEW without them either. So maybe someday, if this idea is accepted, I will get something out of it. And so will National Instruments.

