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When replacing an arithmetic node with a compound arithmetic node, select the correct operation mode

One of the common uses for the compound arithmetic node occurs when you are refactoring a VI, and realize that you need to, say, add or multiply three numbers instead of just two. So, you replace, say, a multiply node with a compound arithmetic node. The wires all stay corrected which is nice, but the default mode is "add", even though you just replaced a multiply node.


With just a teensy bit of added intelligence in the diagram editor, the mode could be set in the compound arithmetic node, based on what it was you just replaced.



J. Heerema, PhD - LabVIEW specialist
AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Thanks for the update - I'd missed that thread!

J. Heerema, PhD - LabVIEW specialist
Laura F.
Active Participant