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Fishing Basket

As a newbie to LabVIEW (don't hold it against me, we all have to start somewhere) Smiley Indifferent I get frustrated by having to search for items created on the front panel that get dropped in an almost random position on the block diagram and visa versa.


How about having a fishing basket anchored somewhere on the screen for both front panel and block diagram when any new and unused items are kept together until required.  As you create something on the front panel it gets automatically put in the basket so you can find it easily.  The same would work when you create something on the block diagram it would be placed in the front panel basket so it's easy to find rather than having to wonder where it is.  The more complex the layout the more difficult it becomes to find randomly placed items. I know that there are a few ideas posted that relate to improved placement of items and I support them all but having unused/new items in the same area so they can be found and quickly placed would be a great help for me and I suspect others also.  If the fishing basket could be dragged around the screen and then left anchored you could drag it around and place it where you are intending to do your next bit of coding and as you progress in your project all the items created will by definition be where you want them most. This also has the added advantage of focusing your attention on items that still require using or placing.

NI Employee (retired)

In general, we place things on the block diagram in roughly the same position as on the front panel in relation to the view in the front panel / block diagram view.  I.e. If your block diagram window is located directly beneath your front panel, when you place a new item you could switch directly to the block diagram and see the control in the exact same spot on your monitor. 


The idea of a "fishing basket" is implemented in our Web UI Builder, which is a free, Silverlight-based web interface builder for LabVIEW 2010+ web services. 

-- Mike
AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)
Knight of NI
NI Employee (retired)