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Improve Search Palette to Include Tabs for Classes and Properties


A customer was recently trying to use a change in the SRQ serial line to trigger another process within his code.  After much searching he was able to find out which class and property to specify on his property node for him to access the SRQ information.


However, he couldn't find this functionality using the search palette.  Yes, he could have started with the propty node, chosen the correct class, and moved forward to find the correct property.  He could only work backwards using many LV help articles to find out which menus to choose. 


I propose that we add Classes and Properties as two more tabs in addition to Functions and Controls (below).  This will help customers quickly find properties rather than having to troll through help articles. It could save people much time searching for the correct class and property in menu after menu.



ImproveSearchPalette.jpgSmiley Very Happy


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

A good idea. In the meantime, you can use the Property Browser (ctrl+shift+B) to do these kinds of searches.

AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)
Laura F.
Active Participant