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Control-shift-drag to add only horizontal or vertical space to a block diagram or front panel

When you need more room on the block diagram or front panel, you can control-drag a rectangle and white space is inserted.



While that is a really useful feature, it tends to create bent wires and insert unwanted whitespace.  More than 90% of the time, what I really want is inserting horizontal space or vertical space.


In the two pictures below, I'm control-click dragging to create more space on the right hand side of my for loop.  Before I do this, my 'y' control and '3' constant are nicely aligned, but after control-click-drag, unwanted white space has been inserted.  This problem gets really yucky in large, especially ones that are longer than one screen side, but nicely aligned vertically.



I propose that in addition to Control-drag creating rectangular white space in a block diagram, Control-Shift-drag would create only horizontal or vertical white space, essentially locking the rectangle to either zero height or zero width.  As it stands, it's a pretty manual and tedious process to move the mouse pixel-by-pixel until I see the dashed lines disappear.

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Duplicate of Create Space in One Direction Only


Also, as noted there, ctrl+shift+drag is already taken

Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect
NI Employee (retired)

Looks like great minds like a think, I mean think alike.  🙂

Laura F.
Active Participant