First of all, I really like the new ParallelProcessing feature which allows great time savings. The thing that sometimes makes it a bit cumbersome is that when you want to use it, you always have to define at least two additional script files, the worker script and the callback script. This is especially annoying as the SCRIPT-view is not particularly user-friendly when you work on different scripts at the same time.
An example is an evaluation script where you want to filter a series of rather long channels. There is potential for huge time saving doing it in parallel. Today, you would have to create a separate worker script around the ChnFiltCalc-function and a separate callback script to pass the filtered channel back into the main data portal. If you now have several of those smaller operations distributetd over your main evaluation script, you will end up with a large number of scripts unless you come up with a smart way to pack everything into just a pair of those.
What I propose is a sub-environment for worker and callback (like function or sub), so that you can pass subtasks to the workers from within the main script, e.g. without the need to create additional VBS-files.
Referring to the example above where oMyEvalChn is one of the signals that I want to filter, it could maybe look like this:
Worker MyWorkerScript1(oChn)
Call ChnFiltCalc(...oChn...)
Callback = ChnToArray("/Filtered")
End Worker
Call oMyWorker.Run(MyWorkerScript1, oMyEvalChn)