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I think it can a be a really good idea to review and give feedback on all Idea exchange.


You ask us to give feedback but you don't finish the loop.


Some idea are mark as new for many years now...

Git would be a valuable addition to be made to the source code control providers that you have already since it is widely used.

TestStand File Diff and Merge Utility has the ability to produce reports in XML format with a slew of dependencies on TestStand (stylesheets, button images, etc.) making them not very portable.  Yes, I know they can be packaged with the extra utility, but that's a hassle too.  Now instead of managing a file I have to manage a folder of files.


Additionally, these reports only seem to work with Internet Explorer which I'm hearing is going away. Not sure if it's just me, but Edge's IE mode doesn't seem to work for these reports either.


Can NI do something to address this?

  • Make a browser extension that works with at least chromium based browsers.
  • Figure out a nice PDF format.


Ideally, I want to upload the file type into my code review platform of choice (git, perforce swarm, crucible, network folder share, etc.) and not require my reviewer to have TestStand installed on their machine.

TestStand File Diff and Merge Utility is not very useful for code reviews on its own.  It seems adequate for notifying the user that a sequence was added, however from the tool itself the user cannot actually review the newly added or removed sequence's contents.  Why is there no + on the item tree to go deeper.



If I have to right-click a sequence and select "Go to location" then why bother with the separate tool to begin with?  Why isn't the diff utility integrated into TestStand's sequence editor itself?  Seems like a side-by-side comparison within Sequence Editor would allow a reviewer to poke and prod around all the hidden settings that are often missed using the existing utility.


When using the TestStand API, I always find myself switching back and forth between TestStand and the TestStand reference help.  While the intellisense function help is usually enough, many times I like seeing the more detailed information in the help.  I would really like to have the option of displaying context specific help in a TestStand pane, similar to the context help window in LabVIEW.


This pane could dynamically update to display function information when using expressions, or show general information about the active pane or dialog (for newer users).  Much of the linking for the second case is already done, since the F1 key will pull up relevant help for the active pane currently.


TestStand context help pane.png

It would be nice if the Step Settings for a Sequence Call step's Module tab would also list the calling sequences comments field and the parameter comments in addition to the prototype information. This would allow sequence calls to easily present information on the expected use of the sequence, along with parameter information (ranges, default options, etc) that would be useful to the developer. I've created a simple mockup of what I'd like to see here:




By adding these features, sequences can contain their own 'help' information which would allow the developer to configure the call without having to leave the step module dialog.





You can run TestStand sequences headless currently from LabVIEW, but it would be nice to have more detailed documentation and examples on how to do it properly since it is not straightforward.  There are some end users that do not need to see the TestStand execution in the operator interface and just want to run a sequence without showing all of the TestStand UI components.

Hi all,


At times when I am filling out an expression, I'd like to be able to refer other developers to a specific sequence or step within the file.


I think it'd be useful to be able to add clickable "hyperlinks" to other steps or sequences within the same file.


Would anyone else use this if it were a feature?


Thanks as always,

Mr. Jim

Currently, to export properties which are part of an array, such as the limits of a multiple numeric limit test, you have to specify each index of the array separately, like in the first screen shot, or else you get all of the raw XML, which is difficult to interpret and use. 







This is both labor intensive and unituitive. . If instead we had the option to export the array with the "?" and have it parse the information out like in picture 1, it would be much simpler to use.




Kyle Mozdzyn

Applications Engineering

National Instruments 

When working with multiple long sequences it would be nice to bookmark locations making it easy to find where you were previously working.  The bookmark could be line highlighting or an icon on the left gutter.  Bookmarks would be saved with sequence.  Multiple colors or icon would be available.




It would be really helpful to have a diagram showing the order in which process model callbacks execute for the sequential, parallel, and batch models and their relations to the various test sockets.  The TestStand documentation does contain a list of the model callbacks, but it would be nice to have them in a diagram format so that a developer doesn't have to open the process model files and figure out that information.

I’m trying to work with the tool Requirement Gateway. I started with some examples which are contained in install packet of this tool. I need to connect Gateway with HTML document and manage coverage with another HTML document. I managed to get from HTML document load the list of requirements to Gateway tool. If I tried to open the particular requirement from Gateway than the HTML document was opened on first page always. I can’t set the Gateway for opening the HTML document on particular place, when is described requirement.


My point of view is make some modification for better connection Gateway tool with internet browser.

The Sequence File Documentation Tool allows you to create documentation in the file formats HTML and text.


It would be nice if it could also create XML based documentation similar to report generation. Selecting a style sheet will ensure that the XML file is presented in a certain way using a browser.





Expose the sequence file version number to be visible in the file properties. (select file in windows explorer -> right click -> properties -> details).


When for example we do right click -> properties -> details tab on .dll assembly we see:




When we do the same on the .seq file we see:




Exposing sequence file version number can simplyfy checking  version file number. Now to chek it we have to open sequence file in editor.



There is rudimentary Command Line Interface (CLI) integration in the TestStand Deployment utility.  Its undocumented, and is one flag.  "build".  Which is useful, but the fact that my only option to determine if the build succeeded is manually parse the build output log is cumbersome and error prone.


In a world where continuous automation and build automation are becoming daily buzzwords, additions to the CLI are sorely missing.


I don't necessarily need to be able to do much from the CLI, but having control and the ability to read back status on a build would be tremendous.

On this Web page under the New Users are links to the various documentation but these links are not very helpful as there just send you to which cover every manual for every NI product. You are actually quicker doing a basic search for TestStand manuals than using these links. What should happen is you should be directed to the relevant document. ie for the TestStand Reference manual 2010 you would be directed here.

When putting values into an array of number local variable, there is little documentation specifying the correct way to input values in an array. The documentation needs to be improve and/or the error message that pops when evaluating your statement should be fixed to better demonstrate the problem. The current error states "Variable or property types do not match or are not compatible. This value will cause a run-time error." A getting started documentation that addresses variable syntax would also be helpful, these ideas will improve ease of use for people working in TestStand. The typical syntax when working with arrays is the use of a bracket [] and the error that appears when using a bracket for arrays is even less helpful. Attached is an image of an example of the fixed error that would demonstrate this problem more thoroughly (The red highlighted section would be a potential change to the errors).




It would be nice to insert comment lines not stuck to steps. In fact often comments lines are not related to a step and it's unlikely that moving a step it drags the comment with it. 

Professional Development package should include source code control (SCC) and Requirements Gateway right out of the box.


I know that bundled SCC was a problem in the past that NI wants to avoid, but I feel that a "Professional" development system isn't very professional without it and Requirements Gateway. However, It is very difficult and painful for me to get separate funds approved for important items that really needs to be already there right out of the box.


I already use free SVN, but TestStand does not recognize it, so it is not "integrated".




The TestStand documentation describes the ControlExecFlow user subproperty as follows:


"User can control the flow of execution by setting breakpoints, single-stepping, and using the Set Next Step command. User can use the Run Mode command in a user interface. User can use the Run Mode command in the TestStand Sequence Editor but only if the EditSequenceFiles subproperty is also True."


This description should be amended to include the fact that the value of this subproperty also enables or disables options in run-time error dialogs (Retry, Ignore, Abort, and Break).  TestStand users will see run-time error dialogs with different options based on the value of this subproperty.


NOTE: The ControlExecFlow user subproperty description can be found in the online help under NI TestStand Environment Reference Help>>TestStand Sequence Editor Menus, Panes, and Windows>>Windows>>User Manager Window>>User and Group Privileges.