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Other IDE programs (like PyCharm or Visual Studio Code) have an "autosave" feature which is very useful! After a certain amount of time, the script you are working on is auto-saved (if it has been saved).  

I understand that DIAdem is not a console application, but a GUI-application.  Therefore, a python command like


val = input("Enter value: ")


will not work because sys.StdIn and sys.StdOut are not available.  However, this isn't well-documented and the error given isn't very helpful. 


There are other more complicated outputs that I have seen in the console area of my regular Python IDE (I usually use PyCharm) that fail with very unrecognizable errors in DIAdem Python, usually a string of errors in many scripts that looks very intimidating!  


It seems that DIAdem is just grabbing the simple "print" statements from Python scripts, and nothing else works.  This would be ok if these errors could be bypassed somehow?

The VIEW "Layout Parameters" setting "Word wrap" value is not persistent and does not seem to be saved to the DIAdem desktop "Desktop.DDD" file.  I think it should either be persistent or added to the saved parameters for the Desktop.DDD file. So if I change it, and close/reopen DIAdem, the setting is always changed back to deselected.  


The workaround is adding "View.Settings.UseMultilineLegend = 1" to some startup script which is fine, but I'd prefer it to be persistent upon changing it.


I'm a student in my last year of studies and I'm not that good working with scripts.

I work with Diadem to analyze my real-time data,  and when i import the excel files ( One year of data gathered in excel files separately ) into Diadem my columns change automatically to text format So i guess the solution in to write a script to convert my channels into Numeric format?


I want to be able to programmatically (vbScript) resize / hide Navigator panel windows for properties and channel preview.  See attachment.  This is an important DIAdem customization feature.  



Many functions in DIAdem seem to be biased towards waveform channels, ignoring the classical ways of working with standalone numeric channels.


The ChnResampleFreqBased function returns waveforms when I think it should have the option to return standard numeric channels. My workaround is not to use it at all and to use the channel generation and linear mapping functions instead.


This obviates the need to reformat channels (wherein you also get a new X channel that you might not have wanted) and is less code. But why have to use two functions to get the same output that could have come from the one resampling function were it to have the option to provide numeric channels?



Today I was trying to find the SCRIPT command for "Converting Numeric Channels into XY-Channels" and could not easily find it or record a script to find it. So two requests here: (1) when recording a script, output the script or have a message that says 'sorry!' and (2) update the help with the correct script functions, similar to the other channel conversion functions.


I tried to record a script, executing the ANALYSIS function "Channel Functions -> Channels <-> XY Channels", but nothing showed up in the recorded script.  


Looking up the help reference for "Channels <-> XY-Channels" only shows how to display the dialog, Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnToXYChn")

All of the other "channel conversion" help documents show how to do this in SCRIPT, for example, "Numeric Channels <-> Complex Channels" shows "

ChnConvertNumericToComplex", similar for the Numeric to Time, Waveform, etc. My proposal is below:


Script Call:

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnToXYChn")


Set Group = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1)

Set XChannel = Group.Channels(1)

Set YChannel = Group.Channels(2)

Set YChannel.XRelation = XChannel