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I'd like to have an option for automatically exporting simulation results to a selected file format, including automated resampling to a desired sampling rate. This is related to this previous idea. Preferably Multisim would also automatically discard the exported results from the memory.


I'd like to be able to set a large number of simulations to run, possibly including a wide range of parameter combinations through the parameter sweep analysis, and have the simulations run and be automatically exported to a selected output format without user interference.


Due to the memory handling issue I mentioned in the post linked above, I can currently only run simulations one by one manually saving the results in between. With an automated export I could leave the computer to run the desired combinations during nighttime and have it discard the exported results from memory, allowing the next set of simulations to run.

The Idea: It would be nice to be able to set a desired sampling rate for a transient simulation before starting the simulation.


Background: We need to run longish transient simulations with a reasonably small TMAX. But we don't need all the intermediate time points used solely for helping the integration to converge. Multisim claims to run out of memory after occupying somewhere around 1 GB of memory, sometimes less. This is not a OS or hardware limit, but something intrinsic to Multisim's memory handling. This behavior is more bug-like than a real limitation of the software.


The capability for resampling/interpolating is already available through the export to .lvm files (see attached figure). Although I think the memory handling issue should be solved separately, allowing Multisim to discard irrelevant time-points on the fly would spare precious memory during more demanding simulations.

Dear Sir or Madam!

It would be great if there were provide support of Darlingon transitors in the next release of Multisim Online

Thank you!

5. Schematic: To set some min and max limits for a voltage, current or power (they shall be visible in Grapher when you generate the plot). 



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

4. Schematic: To add operating state annotation for transistors (active, cutt-off, saturated).



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.


3. Schematic: To add active probe (see CircuitMaker 2000 solution).


With the 14 version release there are probes feature added that I did not have a chance to evalute however probe can be moved dynamically to the specific net to check a signal level (voltage or current) or when you place on a component so power dissipation can be measured and showed (power dissipation vs time).



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

2. Schematic: To add power bias annotation for a components.



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

18. Model: To add a module that can build a component model from characteristics from datasheet (eg. to track output voltage characteristics of voltage regulator and to build behavioral model).



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

17. Simulation: To add Worst Case option to Monte Carlo analysis to check ONLY endpoints values.



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

15. Interface: Batched analysis is fine, but it would be a good to see TEMP parameter visible in main window.



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

11. Simulation: To add component stress analysis but more advanced. The goal is to check maximum dissipated power according to derating power characteristics for resistors according to current operating temperature (TEMP parameter for circuit simulation) and maximum voltage for a components (resistors, capacitors).



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.



10. Simulation: To add additional drift tolerance (aging, humidity etc.) option for a components (resistors and capacitors). Please create an option to turn ON and turn OFF additional drifts globally for a whole circuit design and for specific component.



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

9. Simulation: To add assymetrical tolerances option for a components (resistors, capacitors, voltage and current sources etc.)



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

8. Simulation: To add Root Sum Squared (RSS) method beside simple Worst Case algorithm.



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

7. Simulation: Current Worst Case simulation can not find right solution for a non monothonic functions, so please consider to add Hooke-Jeeves algorithm to find real min and max.



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

6. Simulation: To add circuit optimizer with various algorithms: Hooke and Jeeves, Levenberg-Marquardt etc.

For example: I would like to find a resitor values according to voltage limits.



This idea is splitted from topic "NI Multisim - new ideas" posted in 2014:


If some ideas are implemented in NI Circuit Design Suite 14 they shall be skipped and topic can be removed by admin.

Recently in class we were using the Signal Generator and the Bode Plotter.  It made it somewhat difficult to get the correct readings because the live version does not include an option to place an open wire (was using it on an op amp) like in the application version.  It also made it somewhat difficult to change an AC current when involving different equations. Overall I like the Live version.



I am a noob in electronics and are following along one the popular
books: "Make:Electronics", but this idea is applicable for any textbook in electronics.




Besides actually "breadboarding" the exercises in the book,  i would like to simulate them to get the hang of that side of things also, and after a lot of research, the web interface of "MultiSim Live" seem to be the perfect alternative.

In my case because the "2N6027" PUT component is missing from most competitors, but exist in Multisim Live Premium, and many excercises in the book depend on it.


Here is the idea:


Would it not be nice if the author could create a temporary subscription in Multisim Live for its subscribers, where only the components in the book are included?


The subscriber would still have to pay for it, but for a much smaller price, since it is only make sense if you have the book.


- Multisim Live would get great advertisment since the product is referred to throughout the book.

- Beginners like me would not have to worry that we dont find the correct components , since they are listed when you login to multisim with this special subscription package.

- Of course, the author could have pre-made excercises in Multisim live to drive home points

- The opportunities for converting these subscribers to premium subscribers would be endless



Absolutely zero


Please NI make this happen, its a no-brainer 🙂

