Multisim and Ultiboard Idea Exchange

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I need to make a circuit that controls the speed of a motor from 0% to 10% using a PWM and that speeds up to full speed in around 10 seconds and slows to 0 in the same time. This is what I've got so far but I'm struggling with the timing. Can anyone help/advise?

Here is my circuit. Be default max value of time scale is 10 mSeconds. I tried to change to 50 mSeconds, but keep reverting to 10 mSeconds. Is there a workaround?

The default settings for an LED in Multisim Live don't match normal LED characteristics. I appreciate the ability to adjust the parameters for a given exploratory circuit. But the default should be what is most commonly seen in real life, not something that is not likely to exist.
When my students use a physical LED, the knee voltage is always around 1.5V. The takeaway is, that although it is a diode, not every diode has a .7V knee voltage. In Multisim 14 it is easy for them to see this.
When they use Multisim Live, unless they are given specific instructions on the parameters to change, they will come to the conclusion that all diodes use .7V.
It would be much better to set the default for real life and let the engineers adjust it if needed. 



It is an exhausting enough experience importing netlist files from colleges who do not use NI. But why NI does not take the time and some effort to provide an export file option to make the analyzed circuit data MATLAB ready?!

This way, I can recover some of the time the lost setting up the project (almost from scratch) on Simulink, and and complete their task on MATLAB without, additional overhead.   

Hi, this is Dr.R.Senthilkumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode, INDIA.


Here I wish to share my circuits designed for analog and digital circuit experiments.



This simulator is very good. My entire class is using this simulator for my practical purpose. But some components are missing like :-

1.) Square wave 

2.) 7 segment display

3.) 7 segment display with decimal


Please add these components it will be highly helpful.




Recently, a Monte Carlo Simulation was run, testing and changing the value of 12 resistors on a simple circuit. But the computer crashed rounding the 8k samples stating the error:



SR-3310283 - Multisim error.png

Changes on the resistors, power sources and simulations options were made but still, the tool was not able to handle at least 20k samples on the same run. The computer used had 40 cores and 64GB of RAM.


It will be a great improvement to the tool if the memory could be increased or even creating a 64-bit application.




Possibility to connect a relay and a contact related to the relay in the circuit diagram with the name of the relay.

I am a university lexcturer and have  alarge number of Multisim 14 files that I use in teaching. I try to encourage students to install Mutisim on their own computers (it is available under our site licence), but most are not happy to do this for many reason including different OSes, lack of disk space etc. etc. . However, Multisim Live is the answer - but i need to be able to transfer my design across to it.


It would also be useful for me personally as I use a Mac for most things and have to revert to a PC for MS 14 😞


Please add an import function - you already have an export function 

It's possible to select, edit, and place a net bridge footprint in Ultiboard (that connect two different nets, such as analog and digital ground), but there is presently no way to create a net bridge component in Multisim to complete a schematic that exactly matches and forward annotates to a desired board layout.  At least some other software packages (e.g. Altium) do offer such a component.  The ability to create such a part in Multisim would make for a much cleaner process, including design verification.

This is a great circuit simulator especially for those on tight budget, but 25 components seem low and really limits the usefulness to the free version. Some other web based simulators do not have this restriction and some have no limit on components at all. Please consider making the free version with less restrictions with this I suspect you would bring along more interest in NI in general.

Thank You 

Thomas Zaprzalka

Hi, i am a inventer building and winding my own coils

since your program is perfect for testing differant windings i have a few things i want you to add


multilayers sow for instand a 4 layer transformer

select with type of wire and the gauge witch automaticty calculates the ohms

the shape of the coil turoid or tesla coil like

the core itself, i would like an option to use a micrometalmix core or an aircore


thanks in advance

The following problem has been detected in Labview communication with Multisim:
When a new instance of Multisim is connected to Labview, and several operations are performed on it, the time it takes to do these operations increases progressively each time an operation is repeated. The time increases in each and every one of the operations that are performed on the open instance: measure, place components, etc ... The increase of time is significant since an operation that first time takes 0.5 seconds after several repetitions can take more than 5 seconds.
A temporary solution until you fix the problem is to close the connection with Multisim and re-instantiate a new connection.
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There are certain types of semiconductors (such as thyristors) which fail to operate correctly or cause errors/crash unless specific simulation settings are chosen. The requirements for these settings are made known by NI techs after sending them the circuit (which works fine on the bench). Avoid having to go through NI tech support for these types of components to make known good designs operate correctly under simulation by adding the simulation settings criteria to a configuration file that associates the settings with the troublesome components and alerts the user to the requirement thus avoiding a negative simulation experience requiring tech support for the unsuspecting user. It could be a flag added to the model.

Can Multisim do a temperature sweep in DC analysis? If not, this should be added

I'd like to have an option for automatically exporting simulation results to a selected file format, including automated resampling to a desired sampling rate. This is related to this previous idea. Preferably Multisim would also automatically discard the exported results from the memory.


I'd like to be able to set a large number of simulations to run, possibly including a wide range of parameter combinations through the parameter sweep analysis, and have the simulations run and be automatically exported to a selected output format without user interference.


Due to the memory handling issue I mentioned in the post linked above, I can currently only run simulations one by one manually saving the results in between. With an automated export I could leave the computer to run the desired combinations during nighttime and have it discard the exported results from memory, allowing the next set of simulations to run.

The Idea: It would be nice to be able to set a desired sampling rate for a transient simulation before starting the simulation.


Background: We need to run longish transient simulations with a reasonably small TMAX. But we don't need all the intermediate time points used solely for helping the integration to converge. Multisim claims to run out of memory after occupying somewhere around 1 GB of memory, sometimes less. This is not a OS or hardware limit, but something intrinsic to Multisim's memory handling. This behavior is more bug-like than a real limitation of the software.


The capability for resampling/interpolating is already available through the export to .lvm files (see attached figure). Although I think the memory handling issue should be solved separately, allowing Multisim to discard irrelevant time-points on the fly would spare precious memory during more demanding simulations.

I'd like to have an option for easily copy-pasting customized SPICE options from one Active Analysis to another. Either through saving to a file and loading to the options of another analysis, or simply as a "copy settings from another analysis" button.


It would also be nice to have a way to collect/save known working option-sets for various types of designs, separately from the actual design files.


Dear Sir or Madam!

It would be great if there were provide support of Darlingon transitors in the next release of Multisim Online

Thank you!

1. Increase Width of all traces together in the grapher.

2. Option to choose axis variables in the grapher, for example instead of time in the x-axis, I need some circuit voltage, for this option the simulator should simulate for all circuit variables, and after completion of simulation, the user could change the axis variables as desired. ( In PSPICE it happens the same way, and its useful)

3. When inductors are coupled using Inductor Coupling Block, then those inductors should be assigned dot polarity, same should also be done for the transformer models.

4. When I perform Transient, DC Sweep or Parameter Sweep analysis, all the selected output variables are plotted on the same graph, this is good for most of the times,
but sometimes I desire them to be plotted on 'Different Graph but on Same Graph Page' and I know this can be done by copying the original graph and paste it on the same page and then deselect the unwanted variables, which is tedious work. So there should be an additonal option to plot the variables on 'Different Graph but on Same Graph Page'. Also user should be able to change the bottom axis range of all graph together for easy comparision.

5. Is it possible to incoporate the datasheet of components within the multisim, without visiting manufacturer's webpage?

6. I desire the multisim to create backup of all custom setting made to it (for example Keyboard Shorcuts), so that I could restore it in case of new installation.

7. Multisim Viewer for viewing the schematics and simulating them