This free toolkit is now available directly from the LabVIEW Tools Network and through VI Package Manager
At SAPHIR we are used to put some helpful tools in our "VI Box". These tools help us every day in our LabVIEW developments. Today, we want to share (free of charge) our custom probes with you.
This is not revolutionary, we just hope that it'll help you to find and fix bugs in your code.
- Download attached file
- Open it with VIPM 2010
- Follow VIPM 2010 instructions
- LabVIEW : 8.6 or later
- OS : Windows, Linux, Mac OS
- VIPM 2010
Installed probes are located in the wire contextual menu "Custom probes".
The following is a non exhaustive list of probes provided:
- on string wire:
- History probe allows you to see the "n" last string gone through the wire

- Ms between two call probe allows you to see in a graph the time in ms elapsed between calls

- on numeric (scalar):
- Delta probe allows you to see in two separate graph the probed numeric and the difference between the "last" value and "last-1" vale

Probes are also available on numeric array, on boolean (scalar and arrays).
Probes containing graphs are resizable and provide you access to zoom tools and plots properties.