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We are pleased to announce that the last version of our free toolkit ViBox - XControls is now available through VIPM.


We are also really proud to have this product part of the gold level products of the LabVIEW Tool Networks.

We want to thank you, all users of the toolkit, and we hope it help you to achieve your LabVIEW project. We still love hearing feedback from you to improve the future release. If you want to share example on how you use our toolkit, feel free to use the discussions tab to show us snapshots of your application.

  • Free tools

We are pleased to announce you that our free ViBox - XControls is now part of the LabVIEW Tools Network. This product as reached the first level of Compatible with LabVIEW certification that guarantee you a well-integrated with LabVIEW product.

You can now download our product through VIPM and use it in any LabVIEW application you want.

If you have any problem using this product, you could find support here. Also, feel free to share any good experience you could have and discuss about how to improve this toolkit at the same location.

  • Free tools

We have recently come across a bug in our custom probes toolkit. This bug could, in really specific case, crash LabVIEW.

We fixed this issue and encourage all users to upgrade the toolkit as soon as possible to avoid any inconvenience.

We've also added probes to visualize Boolean array in a re-sizable way and adressed another minor bug.

Note : We expect that the package would be available soon through VI Package Manager. For those who don't want to wait, download and install the package in attachment.

[UPDATE] New version is now available on the LabVIEW Tools Network  and VI Package Manager [UPDATE]


  • Free tools

If your are following this blog, you know that at SAPHIR, in addition to our main activity of developing specific applications for our customers, we develop some useful toolkits. You also have to know that we have design a great app to adress one of the major problem of engineers : find information in data provided by applications they use.

More than a large explanation in this group dedicated to our toolkits I encourage you to glance at our second group on the community to learn more on this application named Topaze -->

As a side note, developpement done for Topaze will soon allow us to give you a free toolkit of XControls. We hope that, Topaze and this toolkit, will be useful for you.

  • Free tools

During NIWeek 2011, we've been proud to have our free custom probes toolkit mentioned in Omar Mussa (Sr Engineer from JKI) technical session titled

5 Clever Debugging Techniques for Every NI LabVIEW Developer. Few months later Omar Mussa and Justin Goeres have wrote and article based on this presentation on the NI Developer Zone and finaly this article has been published in the 1Q2012 of th Instrumentation Newsletter.

We want to thank you them for all their work toward the developer community and also to promote our toolkit. We hope that it could help every LabVIEW developer daily.

Note that we listen every feature and improvment requests concerning our Custom probe toolkit from user here.

  • Free tools

As we already have released our custom probes toolkit, we are about to release a second free toolkit.

This one is focused on XControls we have developed for internal needs.

More than a large text description, I would suggest you to watch these demo videos about two of the XControls that will be available for free in our toolkit.

PlaceHolderString-Demo par SAPHIR-Videocast

More info about PlaceHolder String here

Xtab-PictureViewerDemo par SAPHIR-Videocast

More info about XTab here

We hope to release this toolkit in a couple of weeks, so stay wired to our community group.

  • Free tools


This free toolkit is now available directly from the LabVIEW Tools Network and through VI Package Manager


At SAPHIR we are used to put some helpful tools in our "VI Box". These tools help us every day in our LabVIEW developments. Today, we want to share (free of charge) our custom probes with you.

This is not revolutionary, we just hope that it'll help you to find and fix bugs in your code.

  1. Download attached file
  2. Open it with VIPM 2010
  3. Follow VIPM 2010 instructions

  • LabVIEW : 8.6 or later
  • OS : Windows, Linux, Mac OS
  • VIPM 2010


Installed probes are located in the wire contextual menu "Custom probes".

The following is a non exhaustive list of probes provided:

  • on string wire:
    • History probe allows you to see the "n" last string gone through the wire

    • Ms between two call probe allows you to see in a graph the time in ms elapsed between calls


  • on numeric (scalar):
    • Delta probe allows you to see in two separate graph the probed numeric and the difference between the "last" value and "last-1" vale


Probes are also available on numeric array, on boolean (scalar and arrays).

Probes containing graphs are resizable and provide you access to zoom tools and plots properties.

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  • Free tools