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Integrate Graphical Diff with Subversion Source Code Control

Active Participant

This continues to be a constant question from customers, so I just want to make sure everyone is aware that you can configure Subversion (or any source code control tool) to automatically call LabVIEW graphical differencing tool (only in LabVIEW Professional). 


To setup, simply enter the following command line into the settings dialog of TortoiseSVN for a .vi file:

"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Compare\LVCompare.exe" %mine %base -nobdcosm -nobdpos


For more details on how to set this up and what the command line parameters mean, download this guide to software engineering.  Once you've set this up, using it is a breeze, and you'll find you can't live without it.  You can use it simply by right-cliking on a modified file, and selecting 'Diff' (or 'Diff with Previous')


3-16-2011 12-52-58 AM.png


And the result:


3-16-2011 12-56-34 AM.png

I'm always looking for feedback about this utility.  What would you improve?  What do you or don't you like about this feature?  How often do you use it?  Do you have any need or interest in the ability to export or save the results of this comparison?  Thank you in advance for your comments!



Elijah Kerry
NI Director, Software Community