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Biomedical modeling and simulation using LabVIEW

Active Participant

The use of simulators for teaching students is on the rise.  Some concepts are very difficult to grasp when presented in a static paper or wideboard media.  Sometimes it's more an issue of cost - laboratory equipment, supplies, space, and the time needed to setup and demonstrate the real thing.  In the medical world, very often the problems are compounded by ethical issues like the use of animals for laboratory studies.  Given all these reasons, we are seeing increasingly sophisticated simulations systems coming to use - some software only and others incorporating physical models of the whole body or organ systems.  Check out this Youtube video of a cardiac simulator controlled with LabVIEW (if link is broken, search for video on Youtube from user "realitymedical":

I've always thought that LabVIEW would make a great tool for developing models and simulations for biological systems.  I'm going to be on the look-out for more great examples like this one and I'm hoping to collect some LabVIEW code here that we can share for demonstrating common biological systems.  How about a Hodgkin-Huxley simulator written in LabVIEW?  Anesthesia simulator?  Other ideas?