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LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange

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Mark non-existent files in the project tree

Status: New

If a file is listed in a project, but it is doesn't exist anymore on the filesystem, CVI doesn't mark it in any way in the project tree.

If the file is an .uir, this brings to a strange behavior with "Find UI object" (see here).

I think that files non-existent on the filesystem should be marked mark in some way (color, special icon, ...) in the project tree.

The check can be done when the user opens and closes the project.

In claris non fit interpretatio

Using LV from 7
Using LW/CVI from 6.0
Trusted Enthusiast

a very good suggestion, that basic...




There's a work-around: the Date/Time and Size columns show "not Available" for missing files.

/* Nothing past this point should fail if the code is working as intended */
Trusted Enthusiast

CVI-User... we were talking about the Project Tree of CVI (menu View / Project Tree) - at least for me (CVI 2017) this tree only shows the file name, no attributes...

On startup CVI will complain that a file is missing and all its tags and breakpoints have been removed, but it still will list the file name


No more View >> Columns >> Date/Time and Size in CVI 2017?


Off topic: Would you do me a favor and try to save the samples\userint\activex\WebBrowser.uir as a TUI in CVI2017? The demo version crashes on my machine when I do this.

/* Nothing past this point should fail if the code is working as intended */
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View >> Columns >> Date/Time and Size are available in CVI2017 too, but I don't leave them visible (to save space on my screen).


Off topic: licensed CVI2017 crashes on my machine while saving samples\userint\activex\WebBrowser.uir as a TUI

In claris non fit interpretatio

Using LV from 7
Using LW/CVI from 6.0
Trusted Enthusiast

relax, this option still exists, I simply don't use it (saving space) and forgot about it  Smiley Wink 


Off topic: CVI crashes here, too