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Add PrintfTextBox function to the Text Boxes class

Status: New

This would allow user to have :


PrintfTextBox(ghPanel, PANEL_TEXTBOX, "%s %d", "Hello CVI ", 2018); 


In terms of implementation it could look like  :


#define DEFAULT_LEN 1024 // Quick'n dirty fix
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrintfTextBox(int panel, int CtrlId, const char *format, ...){ char StrTmp[DEFAULT_LEN]; va_list args; int NumLines; va_start (args, format); // could be nice also to have _vscprintf function call in CVI vsnprintf (StrTmp, DEFAULT_LEN, format, args); va_end (args); InsertTextBoxLine (panel, CtrlId, -1, StrTmp); GetNumTextBoxLines (panel, CtrlId, &NumLines); SetCtrlAttribute (panel, CtrlId, ATTR_FIRST_VISIBLE_LINE, NumLines); ProcessDrawEvents(); }

 Regards, Philippe


Using CVI since 1.2
1 Comment

Here is a newer version of the function


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void InsertTextBoxPrintfLine (const int panel, const int control, const char * const FormatString, ...){
  va_list   args;
  va_start (args, FormatString);
  int NbChar = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, FormatString, args);
  char *buffer = (char*)malloc((NbChar+1)*sizeof(char));
  vsnprintf (buffer, NbChar+1, FormatString, args);    
  InsertTextBoxLine(panel, control , -1, buffer); 


Here is a way to use it


InsertTextBoxPrintfLine(panel, control, "Comment from %s", MyName);
InsertTextBoxPrintfLine(panel, control, "%d-%d-%d", 1, 2, Bob);