LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange

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Actually implement some of these ideas; only 6 ideas are in Beta compared to 271 New or Under Consideration

Status: New


What is the point of this Idea Exchange, when there is such a low uptake rate from NI?


There have been many very good suggestions posted here, but only 6 are labelled as "In Beta", which I assume means will be in the CVI release this autumn. There are 106 "Under Consideration", but there is no indication what is required to move them to "In Beta". For instance, Wolfgang posted "Reduce and document the NI services running after Windows logon" on ‎04-01-2011. It went to "Under Consideration"  on 08-15-2011. Two Years from the original posting, we still have nothing!

How do I justify renewing our Volume Licence Agreement when the LabWindows development effort within NI is so small?

How many people actually are on the full time LabWindows team within NI?
Trusted Enthusiast

Well, I also had some comments on and suggestions for improvements of this site, see here, which, sadly, have not been commented on by NI.


Still, I think that the pure existence and consideration of such an idea exchange is remarkable and worthy of praise... Smiley Wink

How many companies do you know that offer such a kind of feedback? Keep in mind that NI has its own road map, and if they are busy with it little room is left for icings on the cake... So I would not expect any fast reaction... instead I am happy if one of my wishes gets true Smiley Happy Fortunately I have many wishes Smiley Very Happy



Active Participant

Hi Steve,


I appreciate the honesty in your feedback. The Idea Exchange is still new to both the National Instruments CVI team and to our users. If we have different expectations for this new forum of communication, then I think it is important for us to discuss that.


While the Idea Exchange is an invaluable source for feedback and ideas for new features, it is not the only source the CVI team uses. Many of our features in CVI are added in response to user feedback that comes through other channels, additions to the National Instruments platform, and changes in technology. If you are registered with the CVI 2013 Beta Program (visit to register), then you will notice that we are implementing several very large features that were not requested specifically on the idea exchange.


Another factor that weighs heavily on features that we add is stability. The number one piece of feedback that I hear over and over from users is that forward compatibility and bug fixes are most important. We go to great lengths to accomplish this. Stability also impacts our ability to quickly add new features with each release because we spend several months testing with each release. What may seem like a simple feature to add from an external perspective may actually require a significant amount of testing because the new feature may affect other features of the product.


We would both like to see more of the Idea Exchange Ideas implemented with each release, but we have to balance those requests with the other requirements I have listed above.


As for the specific Idea you pointed out, Reduce and document the NI services running after Windows logon, I have posted a progress update on this because we have made some changes to address this issue.

National Instruments