Miki, Ulf, and others:
I think I've got the "Bluetooth not working in built executable" problem solved! The issue is that the version of findNXT.vi distributed with the NXT Toolkit includes some additional logic to ensure that Bluetooth is available on your system, and an important piece of that logic doesn't get built into your executable by default. To resolve the problem, you need to add a VI to the list of VIs that are called dynamically in your built executable. The path for the VI in question is:
From this point on, these instructions are LabVIEW 8.x specific; if you're using LabVIEW 7.1, look for similar options when creating your Build Specification.
First, add the VI above to your project. Then, edit your Build Specification and select the Source Files category on the left. Select the VI, then add it to the list of "Dynamic VIs and Support Files" using the blue arrow. Now, that VI will get built into your executable, the extra logic will be there, and Bluetooth searches will work.
Thanks to Ulf for the debugging info and to Brady Duggan for his help in tracking this one down.
James Blair