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Color analysis

Status: Declined


I'm working on a school project which is a resistor sorter. I'm tried to use the color segmentation from the Vision assistant but I couldn't get a match because the clasifier I used was based on a resistor and can't be used if I changed the resistor. I've also tried this VI but I can't determine the color code via the RGB profil .

1/ How can I make a clasifier file to include all possible colors? 

2/ How can I modifie my VI to get the RGB values of only the bars? 

1 Comment
Active Participant
Status changed to: Declined

I would not put this in the Idea Exchange, but in the Discussion Forum:


In the mean time, I would use an edge detector to find the bands, and then just use a small region of interest to classify just that 1 band.

To create a color classifier, go to start and type "Color Classification" to open the wizard for training different colors. Once you have a classifier file, you can use Vision Assistant to create a sample script that uses this file and generate code from there, or you can check out the shipping example "<LabVIEW folder>\examples\Vision\Classification\Color"

Once you have classified all the bands, you can use the following example to get the resistor value

Hope that helps,
