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"Open FPGA VI Reference": change to consistent behaviour

Status: New

When using the "Open FPGA VI Reference" function you can configure it to reference the FPGA build/bitfile in three different ways:

- Build specification

- VI

- Bitfile


In development mode I often use "Build spec", for deployment I switch to "Bitfile". When using this function it behaves different, depending in which mode it is configured! This makes for a bad "User eXperience"…


In "Build spec" mode:

- when double clicking the pink border of the function it opens the referenced FPGA VI

- you need to right-click the "Open FPGA VI reference" and select "Configure…" to open the configuration dialog

- when selecting the "Build Spec" radio button it opens a selection dialog (probably a listbox) but you can't double click the build spec you want to use, you need to select the build spec and then click on "OK" button


In "Bitfile" mode:

- when double clicking the pink border of the function it opens the configuration dialog, (you don't need to right-click the "Open FPGA VI reference" and select "Configure…" to open the configuration dialog)

- when selecting the "Bitfile" radio button it opens a file dialog and but you can double click the bitfile you want to use


(All this relates to LabVIEW2014SP1. Haven't tested this with LabVIEW2015 so far.)


I propose the idea to make this behaviour consistent, independent of the selected mode in the configuration dialog!


I wish this behaviour:

- double click on pink border of the functions opens the configuration dialog

- double click on the FPGA VI icon shown inside the "Open FPGA VI reference" function opens the FPGA VI

- double click on an item in the "Build spec" selection dialog selects the build spec

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019