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Remote Panel update FP object properties on connection or change (for embedded UI PACs)

Status: New

cRIO with embedded UI enabled allows us RTEXE front panel interactivity, with the ability of front panel objects' properties being changed programmatically. However, when connected with PC via Remote Panel, only object values are updated, but not the objects property (for example: table headers string arrays). This could lead to miscommunication of information as the Front Panel from embedded UI differed from the Remote Panel. 


I was informed though, if we looped the write property node continuously, the property can be updated from the Remote Panel end. This, however is counter-intuitive as we usually initialize the GUI objects programmatically once at the beginning (or if necessary due to change) and not continuously. Nevertheless, if Remote Panel can update the front panel objects during first launch and property change, similar to "Is Value Changed.vim", that would be great feature to have.

CY (expired CLAD)