LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Sensor Support Request

hi guys just looking for a hand with a)i2c MPU-6050 b)i2c HMC5883L


Message 31 of 57

Hello Everyone,

I am looking for support for  Triple Axis Accelerometer & Gyro Breakout - MPU-6050, it's a great board with both a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope, it has some awesome specs,

found here     

and here

very few boards come close to this one

It would be great if it can be supported in LIFA, or a VI which can read its accel/gyro

Thank You

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Message 32 of 57

Hi Sambo

I am new to Labview and NI just downloaded the file u put up and tried to run it but keep getting an error message 5003. The error message is coming from the DHTXX Subvi. I have tested my connection with the arduino and it do work

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 57

You will need to give more details.  What Arduino are you using?  Also, post your VI.

0 Kudos
Message 34 of 57

I am using the uno-R3 connected with a USB and the vi is the same vi which is on this form. when i run the vi Error 5003 occurred at DHT11.lvlib:Read Data.viLabVIEW Interface for A timeout occurred while trying to read form the Arduino.

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Message 35 of 57

Please follow the steps in

LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Setup Procedure

replacing the 6th step firmware with ‘LIFA_Base.pde’ or ‘LIFA_Base.ino’ included in LIFA DHT previously posted.

I also found the following alternative procedure to be helpful as well:

Getting Started With the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino

Good luck

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Message 36 of 57