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I need a solution for a lab view apllication and installer problem

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I ,ve already deployed an application and an installer, when i run the executable and the installer on my laptop it run well,
but when i run them on a computer that does'nt have a labview it gives me a messege says that i need to install the labview run time engine 8.5
actually i 've included the run time engine to the installer and i 've installed the run time engine from labview 8.5 cd,
but it still give me the same messege.
information you might need:
I'm using in my project the following:
-network shared variable
-data base connectivity functions
-report generation functions
-visa functions
so if any one can help me with this up?????????
Mahmoud Alshair
Intelligent Systems Integrator ( ISI )
System Developer
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13

Hi M.Shair,

did you install the VISA runtime engine, too??


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

Hi Mike,

No I didn't install the VISA runtime engine, but untill now I'm deploying my executables without the visa functions yet.

so i think that won't be the problem, Maybe.....



Mahmoud Alshair
Intelligent Systems Integrator ( ISI )
System Developer
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13
Would it be possible for you to provide the screenshots of your build specification for the installer and the executables?
Mehak D.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13
Dear Mahik
I 'll post some snapshots of my project here so you can checke it out.
just let me tell you that when I run my app. & my installer on a computer that has a lab view and DSC it works well,
but when I run it on computer that doesn't have a labview it gives that error messege.
i'm hopefullt waiting for your reply with some solution
Mahmoud Alshair
Intelligent Systems Integrator ( ISI )
System Developer
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13
Here are more snapshots for my project also
Mahmoud Alshair
Intelligent Systems Integrator ( ISI )
System Developer
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0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13
All applications built using the LabVIEW DSC module require the LabVIEW DSC runtime engine installed in addition to the LabVIEW runtime engine. The DSC runtime engine has to be purchased separately. Do you have the DSC Runtime Engine installed on this computer?
Mehak D.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

Hi Mehak,

thanx for that little note, becuse now i can run it on another computer.

but still one problem I'm facing which is, I 've already included in my software to deploy my library Programmatically and i 've tested my sotware on a computer that have labview installed and it's worked

but when i run it on a computer that doesn't have labview it gives error messege that the shared library can't be located and deployed.

one more thing, I'm using Data Base Connectivity toolkit in my software so should I include anymore files to installer.

Mahmoud Alshair
Intelligent Systems Integrator ( ISI )
System Developer
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13
If you are using the database connectivity toolkit you need to follow a few steps in order to run the application executable on your target PC. These steps can be found at the following link:
There is another link that provides more specification on following these steps on executables built using 8.0 and later:
Please let me know if this helps in resolving the problem!
Mehak D.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13

about the data base i've checked these links already before and i've done what is mentioned in them but actually I couldn't check it working or not because like I've told before there's a problem with the shared variables because it gives an error that they can't be deployed.

so I was wondering if there's something I;ve to include or do according shared variables to run on an executable

by the way I've tested my sotware on a computer that has labview installed and it worked and I 've included to my installer the NI variable manager & NI variable engine

I'm waiting for your and hoping to find the answer too


Mahmoud Alshair
Intelligent Systems Integrator ( ISI )
System Developer
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 13