Trust me, the Reshape Array that Altenbach showed is much easier to understand and will run a lot faster.
As Ronald Reagan used to say (and as Darren Nattinger has so well demonstrated at NI Week), "Trust, but Verify". I wrote a routine where you specify the rows and columns of an array, builds a 2-D array (using nested For Loops) containing random doubles. It then passes this array through Altenbach's "Reshape" routine, and through my "For-loop concatenate" routine, timing how long it takes each routine.
In LabVIEW 2012 on my 3-year-old Windows 7 PC, here are the times, in microseconds (there's some variability, but these are representative):
Array Size Altenbach BS
3 by 4 43 11
300 by 400 9866 285
What this means is that the clever guys at NI have really optimized array processing in For loops (I recall one of Darren's Timing challenges about three years ago at NI Week involved something like this).
Bob Schor
P.S. -- I teach (as well as "do") LabVIEW, and also am willing to challenge the assertion that "the Reshape Array that Altenbach showed is much easier to understand" -- it strongly depends on your audience.