Hello, is it required to make the system stand-alone? Or, is system footprint required to be as small as possible?
If the system is not required to be stand-alone, and all you need is digital input / output, PXIe-1090 + PXIe-7820 may be a good fit for you.
Total cost is about 6,000 USD for the set of two, and a host PC with Thunderbolt3 IF is needed.
Digital Input of PXIe-7820 can work up to 80MHz and does not reach up to 100MHz, if it is still fast enough for you to do oversampling for negative edge of your 10MHz clock, you may go with internal 80MHz clock.
Also, PXIe-7820 can take external clocks, so, if 80MHz is not fast enough, yyour 10MHz clock may be imported to PXIe-7820 as an external clock.
PXIe-1090 is a wonderful option for a low-cost and small footprint application, if using a laptop is allowed. I provided a system with PXIe-5785 + PXIe-1090 for my customers, using 2x2 3.2GSps IOs.
One caveat for using PXIe-1090 is its per-slot bandwidth is 985MB/sec, but it is x1 Gen3 link. Therefore, if your module is x1 Gen2 link for example, per slot can handle only 500MB/sec of data. I guess 500MB/sec may be enough for your case.
As for data processing, 100MHz clock is not so fast and you can do data processing in the same clock domain of IOs. If you think of doing signal processing on host-side, DMA FIFO is the only way for the case to transfer data, as it is explained in FPGA training course.