02-07-2020 03:41 PM
When Numeric/Ring/Enum ctrl wired to connection pane, it's built-in mouse wheel function got disabled. Still trigger mouse wheel event, just doesn't change value. Is this by design?
LabVIEW 2019 SP1
Windows 7 Pro
02-09-2020 05:00 PM
When I move the mouse wheel with a Control selected, in Windows 10, this moves the Control up and down on the pane. I've never noticed that it changed the value (in LabVIEW), but maybe I'm not "doing it right". However, if you can detect mouse-wheel movement, what is to stop you from trapping the Event and using it to change the Control's value up or down? (My apologies if I've totally "missed the boat" on your question).
Bob Schor
02-09-2020 06:50 PM
> However, if you can detect mouse-wheel movement, what is to stop you from trapping
> the Event and using it to change the Control's value up or down?
If you take a look my VI, you won't ask this question.
But it suppose to be a built-in feature, I don't see a good why it should be disabled when the ctrl wired to connection pane.
02-09-2020 07:28 PM
02-09-2020 09:27 PM
By default, Built-In Mouse Wheel Support is set On Key Focus.
If you change it to On Hover, mouse wheel works even if the VI is not running.
Works great if you know the items and order, such as Monday, Tuesday, ...
02-10-2020 03:49 AM
The increment\decrement key bindings also stop working when connected to the CP.
The focus key binding does work... The toggle (for Booleans) also work regardless a CP connection.
12-30-2021 01:49 PM
The mouse-wheel functionality for controls on the connector pane has been fixed in LabVIEW 2021. I apologize that I missed including this in the list of fixed bugs when LabVIEW 2021 released.