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Sensor Support Request

It looks like the TMP36 just outputs an analog voltage that varies linearly with the ambient tempuruate.  I'll add a VI to LINX for this when I get a chance but for now you can just read the analog voltage and convert it to C using the equation from the data sheet.

-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

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Message 41 of 57

I added VIs to LINX for the TMP35, TMP36, and TMP37.  I'll post a new installer that includes the VIs tomorrow.

-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

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Message 42 of 57

Hi Sam,

Do I need to be a member of the LabVIEW Hacker group to view the VIs? I was looking around the site earlier, and just checked but not sure where to look for the VIs. I took a look at the datasheet and other comments from Sparkfun. The equation I am using from the analogRead is "Temp (Celsius) = 100*V - 50. I am getting room temperature, but when I put the sensor into a 30C oven, the reading only goes up to 25C. I have included a snapshoot of my block diagram for you to take a look and see that it's correct. Are your VIs similar? Thanks for the help!

TMP36 Block Diagram.png

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Message 43 of 57

The code looks fine.  How and where are you measuring the 30°C oven temperature?  Where is that sensor relative to your TMP36?

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Message 44 of 57

A version of the TMP36 temperature sensor VI for LIFA is attached.  It is labeled  It will work with Labview  2010 and with newer versions of Labview.


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Message 45 of 57

Hey jlovaasen,

For more info on LINX checkout

I've added VIs for the TMP35, TMP36 and TMP37 but they are not in the installer yet (they are only in source code control).  I'll try to build a new installer that you can use to get the VIs today.  I'll post here when I do.

Your code for the TMP36 looks fine. Can you give us some more details on your setup.  What temp ranges work and what doesnt, etc.


-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

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Message 46 of 57


The latest version of LINX ( includes support for the TMP3x.  I don't actually have the sensor so I havn't been able to test it.  If you have any questions / comments please post them in the LINX forums here:

You can download and install the LINX open beta by following the instructions here:


-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

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Message 47 of 57

Thanks for the update Sam. I have everything working now. The setup I have is for logging light intensity of fluorescent emission at various temperatures. Right now, I'm just seeing how temperature increases affect my light intensity sensor. When doing the final design, temperature will be constant 60C, and all intensity measurements will be done at the same temperature.

On another note, any idea of when LINX will be out of beta testing and replace LIFA? I'm just curious when I should make the switch for work, but I might work with the beta version at home in the meantime.

Thanks again for your help everyone!

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Message 48 of 57

Hey Jlovaasen,

All the basic features in LINX have been tested and are working (specifically on chipKIT Uno32, Max32, uC32 and Arduino Uno).  Once LINX comes out of beta I'll try my best to not break any existing code (by changing connector panes for example), while it's in beta the bar for backwards compatibility breaking changes is much lower.  I'm hoping to get some user feedback before moving out of beta to discover any oversights that will require significant changes.

At this point you're probably safe to move over to LINX, however I intend to release regular updates as I fix bugs, add sensors, etc (I've been doing a build every few days) and every time you get a new build you should re-validate all of your code since I may have accidentally broken something else.  That being said you don't have to keep up with the daily builds while LINX is still in beta.

If you start using it at home or work please let me know if you have questions, comments, features requests, etc on the LINX forums :


-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

Join / Follow the LabVIEW Hacker Group on google+

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Message 49 of 57

Hi Sam / everyone,

I am looking for support for  BOSCH BMP180 pressure sensor.


Arduino codes in C :

It would be great if it can be supported in LIFA, or a VI which can read its serial monitor (less ideal )

Thank You

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Message 50 of 57