Similar to Visible items>Radix right-click menu it would be highly beneficial to have the same possibility for showing (and switching) of Representation.
Wouldn't you need to replicate the entire user interaction in the picture control façade of the XNode?
Clicking in it, getting a cursor, moving the cursor around with the keyboard? And the menus, not just the standard ones, but also the added right click menu plug ins? Copy, paste, etc.?
I don't know of a way to embed the node in an XNode, so you can simply add to it's functionality. Then again, timed loops seem to add XNodes to a normal loop... If you know how to do this, I'd be interested.
That functionality is built in: Have the "OnTextClick" ability send the "EditTextField" reply, then have the "OnTextChange" ability process the text.
"If you weren't supposed to push it, it wouldn't be a button."