05-21-2017 01:41 PM
Probably an ancient printer. Google found only this non functional page: http://www.laserplus.de/COSCOM/TC+480.html
05-22-2017 08:24 AM
While I can not speak to that unit Blokk, I can speak to the early networked laser printers from DEC. The LPS-40 had a micro-vax stuffed in the bottom of it to serve the print queue to the network and render the postscript font.
05-24-2017 01:11 PM
"What is it?" I asked myself when working in the garden last night.
Looking closer I had to bring it inside the show the G-daughter.
My better-half was not entertained to find it on the kitchen table.
05-24-2017 04:34 PM
Snake skin, and I guess the previous owner is enjoying now the new fresh one 🙂
05-24-2017 05:12 PM
05-24-2017 06:37 PM
Snakes are vertibrates.
05-30-2017 08:45 AM
As I was planting yellow onions I noticed some motion to my right and asked "what is it?"
Turned out there were two of them...
Good for pest control.
Watching turkeys walk and their gentle gait and elegant motion gives us a hint at what the motion of a T-Rex would have looked like. They walk up steep grades with little change in how they walk and move without a sound. No wonder Ben Franklin wanted to make turkeys the national bird.
05-30-2017 09:33 AM
...and not to mention how difficult is to make a nice roast...
06-27-2017 08:08 AM
What are they?
I will let you guess but...
clue #1
I was surprised that these were still developing after having been cut from the plant 2-3 weeks ago. It show the shear determination of plants to give there very last ounce of life energy to survive. That by the way may have played part in the folklore associated with the plant that produced them.
Clue #2
06-27-2017 10:14 AM
Garlic blooms.