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Proyect Wind Turbine Pic18F4550 Labview 2009

Hello I am new to the community, I would like to know how how to do a panel monitarizacion to see real-time speed and wind direction as well anger connected by a puero usb pic I'm taking is the PIC18F4550 and the type of I'm taking is programming c simulator that occupied development is proteus circuit 7 and the pic c compiler compiler is all ways attached part of my project to anyone interested in supporting me since I also want to make a physical model of the wind turbine control

greetings from chile

El mensaje fue editado por: hack007

What I design is similar to the panel attached to him because as I said I do not know how to modify it to send data from my usb port labview

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 15

Hi hack007,

Sounds like you would like to collect wind velocity and direction information and then display and store the information. As you have indicated, a microcontroller (in C?) and LabVIEW desktop are a good combination.

The microcontroller with C code can be used to collect the sensor information, provide any required signal conditioning, and then send the data out over a serial port (RS232, USB or Ethernet).

The desktop computer can be used to receive the serial information and provide the display and hard disk storage services. LabVIEW does this aspect well.

National Instruments has made some forays into the embedded world, but for various reasons has fallen short. However, a microcontroller with C code and a desktop in LabVIEW is a useful combination.

You may want to take a look at the NI LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Toolkit ( http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/209835 ). In this case the C code to acquire I/O data and send it out over a serial port are written for you. On the desktop side, various VIs are available. Good to get started quickly or if you don't know programming languages outside LabVIEW. Not so good if you want to do some signal conditioning on the micro or you want to use something other than the Arduino Uno.

What programming language are you thinking of using for the PC18F4550? How proficient are you in that language? How proficient are you in LabVIEW?



P.S. Greetings from Sydney.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 15

Hi vito,

thank you very much for responding if the pic I'm setting in the simulation program c I'm doing in proteus 7.With have questions regarding their handling in c but average about labview and am reading some manuals to program in language G is a bit complicated but not hard to understand I have 40% of the project realizado.arduino've never work with it rather work with applications that can send entienda.Si want part of project I've done I can translate if you like

Greetings and a hug

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 15

I have been moving in the project but I have also thought about doing the communication through USB Bulk Transfer via subVI or not if I understand

anyway I saw an example of the Bulk usb but is Version 8.6 and I have version 2009 and can not open the file I attach part of my project for verification me.

Greetings hug

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 15

You should be able to read a LabVIEW 8.6 project or file in LabVIEW 2009. Otherwise, there are plenty of examples for just about any serial communication with each LabVIEW version.

LabVIEW is not that hard to learn. You should be able to Open and Read from any serial port easily and then display it on a graph. Of course you'll have to think about how to organise your data for sendiong over the serial port.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 15

vito understand what happens if I need help to create this USB bulk transfer to transfer data from my PIC18F4550 to Labview 2009 if you have any file suitable for this version I would be grateful as I sent one but it is version 2010 and is a demo

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Message 6 of 15
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15

vito, my idea is to make a model of a control wind turbine and the parameters are me Visualize on display in the application I am making the MONITORING panel but what I do not understand is how to configure it to connect to my pic 18F4550 I attached part of project made a contribution if you do not hesitate to notify us


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Message 8 of 15

I could not open your DEMO Jans.vi file since the Block Diagram is password protected.

A few questions to get the big picture:

1) Do you have USB data reliably coming out of the PIC?

2) If so, how do you know?

3) Have you tried one of the USB three US examples provied by LabVIEW to see if you can get the USB information?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 15

Sorry do not understand what you mean?

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Message 10 of 15