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Open Block Diagram in Subpanel

In LV 8.6, when a VI is embedded into a subpanel on another VI, when you right-click on the panel of the embedded VI and select "Open Block Diagram", nothing happens. In LV 8.51 and LV 8.21, using the same code, the procedure opens the block diagram of the embedded VI, as it should. I think it's a bug, but I don't know where else I can report it.


Sergey Liberman

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Message 1 of 27



This is a good place to report this. Unfortunately I don't understand exactly what you are saying. Are you talking about subvi of a subvi or could you provide a simple example that replicates this problem and post it here? Thanks.



National Instruments
RIO Embedded Hardware PSE

CompactRIO Developers Guide
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Message 2 of 27

Andrew, Attached are two LLB's - same code, one in v.8.5, the other in v.8.6. Run (in matching version of LV), right-click in the subpanel and select "Open Block Diagram". In LV85, the diagram opens, in LV86 it does not.




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Message 3 of 27



The issue is known about and the car is being fixed in the next installment of labVIEW. Thanks


National Instruments
RIO Embedded Hardware PSE

CompactRIO Developers Guide
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Message 4 of 27
Meanwhile, is there a workaround?
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Message 5 of 27

I think the true error here is trying to insert the vi into the subpanel from the vi that you trying to insert. If you run the subpanel vi found here: 

You can see that you are able to open the block diagram of the vi in 8.6. Howeve in 8.6, the bug is that you can insert a vi from the vi that you want to insert, which was the example provided. So the work around is to not insert a vi from the vi to be inserted. Too much ciruclar logic, but if you want to open the block diagram of a subpanel, don't call it from the subvi, call it from the vi with the subpanel.

National Instruments
RIO Embedded Hardware PSE

CompactRIO Developers Guide
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Message 6 of 27

I must say thought that I've been using the method shown in my example for many years - it's a standard part of my favorite architecture. It has worked fine in as early versions of LV as 7.1. I hope this feature gets fixed in the next release rather than being removed altogether.



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Message 7 of 27
I have checked the CAR and I think the developers agree with you, becaus it is fixed. However, its not being fixed for the next version of LV, but it got changed for the version of LV after that.
National Instruments
RIO Embedded Hardware PSE

CompactRIO Developers Guide
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 27

Andrew_E. wrote:
I have checked the CAR and I think the developers agree with you, becaus it is fixed. However, its not being fixed for the next version of LV, but it got changed for the version of LV after that.


Can we have a better timeframe for this bug fix? Do you mean the fix won't be out for the LV release this summer/August??
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Message 9 of 27
It's really bad that it won't be fixed in the next release - as I said, I use this feature all the time. The implication for me is that for large projects I'll have to stay with pre-8.6 versions for two more years...
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Message 10 of 27