01-27-2011 04:04 PM
We want to use LabVIEW 2010 to send/receive floating points from LabVIEW 2010 to/from a network (192.168.101.xxx) that utilizes GE ethernet global data protocol (EGD).
The network has several HMI's running Cimplicity Plant Edition 4.01.
We can configure Cimplicity to read modbus points from LabVIEW using LabVIEW's multi-variable editor and a modbus slave library.
However, we cannot get the points from LabVIEW to read/write to the EGD protocol. Anyone ever run into this?
01-28-2011 10:32 AM
How are you trying to do this communication? Are you using NI OPC servers? If so, our OPC servers should be able to talk to some EGD complient devices. You can find a list of these devices here.
If you're not using NI OPC servers, how are you trying to do the communication?
01-28-2011 12:31 PM
We are using a NI Modbus Slave module.
NI Modbus --> Cimplicity
Cimplicity is receiving Modbus from LabVIEW and EGD from the Mark VI controllers.\
We will try to use NI OPC server next.
01-31-2011 05:13 PM
In theory, the Modbus library should work with any protocol that uses TCP communication. Did you have any luck with NI OPC servers?
05-20-2011 08:30 PM
EGD is a UDP message (port 4746h) with a special header.See below for header structure (32 Bytes). Send UDP at constant rate. Limit user data to 1400 bytes. If you want to receive EGD data don't forget to increase the MaxSize connector on UDP receive to 1500. Are you using the a csv file or SDB Server to get tag names? Or manually entering tag names in cimplicity? This works much better than OPC because all parameters are contained in your labview executable. If you have a redundant cimplicity HMi Server send as Broadcast to the local subnet. All consumers will get the EGD telegram. Example IPA of Server 1 IPA and Server 2 IPA
Maybe to late for this project but would be a good upgrade or the next project.
02-05-2014 07:35 AM
Hi, Slow process for configure to control board. GTC has the largest stock of GE Speedtronic control boards.