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Engine Cycle, P-V Graph (OTTO Cycle)

I am new with LabVIEW it is somebody who has an example how to display P-V Engine Cycle (OTTO Cycle) ?

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Message 1 of 15

LabVIEW is a programming language.  If it can be done in software, it can be done in LabVIEW.  If you are new here are some free training links.


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Message 2 of 15



to plot X vs Y Data you should use a XYGraph...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 3 of 15

If Otto Cycle Engine LabVIEW  application can be found please send link...

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Message 4 of 15

Hi Electrius,


what exactly do you need?

You asked for a p-V-diagram: measure p (with respect to crank angle), calculate V from crank angle, display p vs V in a XY graph…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 5 of 15

Dear All,

Thank you for reply.

I didn't found any LV example to display Cycle Engine, P-V Graph(OTTO).

Actually application read via DAQ - Pressure, Crank Position: 360 pulses per/rot & Z pulse (1p/rot). Volume can be related with 360 pulses per rotation. Max RPM 6000 (100Hz).

Data flow on a 2D array but when try to display on XY Graph didn't work...

Any example welcome.


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Message 6 of 15

Hi Electrius,


Data flow on a 2D array but when try to display on XY Graph didn't work...

Which data "flow" in your 2D array?

What exactly did "not work"? (You know "doesn't work" is NOT an official error message of LabVIEW, neither while creating code nor while execution!)


Do you use the crank pulses as external trigger to your pressure reading? This would make correlation of crank angle to pressure value very very easy…


As you asked for an example:


It's just a XY graph showing some dummy debugging data of the tool we use here…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 7 of 15

Thank you for screen shot. Graph is not from a test rig for this reason...

The bus of Data is 2D (Array of double 64 bit real) is a STRREAM data from LabJack T7.

2D Data consist: Pressure (2x Ana), and Encoder 360 Pulse/rev and 1pulse/rev @ 6000rpm equate 100Hz. Calculus eg. 3600 p/rev x 100Hz = 36000 p/sec

Presume to display pair Xi-Yi (i=1,...360points) with refresh 2-3 p/sec, otherwise the piston movements will create a "cloud" of points...

Consider Xi=Volume corresponding @ 360gr(crank position); Yi=pressure (Volts x Kp) simply!



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Message 8 of 15

Non of link forwarded are about OTTO Cycle  (P-V Engine Cycle)...!

and is no so simply,...

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Message 9 of 15

Hi Electrius,


which part of my comment here didn't work for you?

It seems to me you have all the data you need, only the plotting is missing.


General note: when you have problems with your VI you need to attach it here so we are able to examine it…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 10 of 15