LabVIEW Web UI Builder and Data Dashboard

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Announcing Data Dashboard for LabVIEW

I have not seen that kind of behavior before, and I suspect that either your network connection is unreliable or your server isn't staying up. The shared variables require a constant connection so if you're losing WiFi or changing WiFi networks or going between 3G and WiFi then that could cause it to lose its connection. It should eventually reconnect, but it has its own algorithm for retrying the connection on some schedule. You can force the issue by pressing "Edit" and then "Run" again (this will disconnect and reconnect all variables at once).


When you use web services we just poll at a 1 second interval, so those can actually be more resilient to changing network conditions at the expense of more CPU usage and more bandwidth.

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 59



I am trying to test the system and I am having difficulties connecting with the phone using the 3G connection, does the Data Dashboard need to be using WIFI?  You stated that the connection could be unreliable, what other things can I check for?  I am using a VPN connection to my server on my computer and my iPhone. Any thoughts.





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Message 22 of 59

It should work over 3G and VPN (I have personally tested this). You should try to verify through some other means that you are able to access the server from your phone. Usually in these kinds of situations the problem is caused by a firewall or some other kind of network configuration issue. If you can access the machine and the right ports are open then our app should be able to connect to it.

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Message 23 of 59



Sorry for the couple day lag on a response.  I have tested it also on 3G a couple of weeks back and it worked.  Do you have any additional info on your Firewall settings or is it just like the documents that can be found from the links that you posted?  I am going to give this a go tomorrow morning and I hope that I can get some fresh ideas.  I have taken a couple days to work on some other projects so there might be some fresh eyes now.  If you wouldn't mind helping me out or if you have any other quick ideas that would be great.


Thanks again



0 Kudos
Message 24 of 59

The links from above are what I would point you to. You can also use a tool like Wireshark ( on the machine hosting your shared variables to see if your device is even managing to connect to the server. If you don't see any packets being received from your device then it must be a DNS, firewall, or other networking issue.

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 59

A phone version for Android is now available on Google Play. Amazon app store is soon to follow.

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 59


I just installed the Dashboard on my Phone...

It works well (I have just tested the internal Sensors)

What I miss is to have (place) multiple Indicators on one screen...

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 59

Due to the wide variety of phones and the small resolution that most have we removed the ability to use different layouts with multiple slots per page. Some of the controls just don't work well in that small of a space. For instance, there's not enough room for a chart with axis labels, and the gauge labels become unreadable. We didn't want to have unusable controls, and we didn't want to have complicated rules about when you can use certain controls so we decided to keep it simple and just limit the phone versions (on both platforms) to a single variable per page. You can of course have multiple pages and swipe between them, but you only get one per page on the phone.

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 59



I found this app is really great, now we're already using it in our project. 

Is there a way to set up the display format of the digital indicators for Numeric? For instance, we don't want the indicator to display the number like 2.383403 but clearly with 2 digits after the point.

I can image that there is a workaround like display the numbers using string indicators. But we have to define more shared variables just for the indications...

It will be great if somehow in the app I can set up the properties of the indicators like windows apps.




0 Kudos
Message 29 of 59

Thanks for the feedback! That feature doesn't exist in the app right now. We will add it to our list of requests.

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Message 30 of 59