LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Where is LVIFA_Base.pde for LabView 2012

You should create a new discussion because this particular one is not related to your issue.

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Message 31 of 39


i m trying to interface arduino uno and labview....

i developed the block diagram... the baud rate i m using is (38400)... i m trying to read a register of cc1101 that has 1 byte value (for example 0x74)...

i m using SPI mode 0 and clock dividor of 4....

i get an error "

Error 5005 occurred at Unable to find Arduino.  Please make sure the Arduino is connected to your system and that the Arduino drivers are installed."

my arduino is being detected successfully.... i ve drivers updated....  cant figure out the issue....... can any 1 help plxxx?

0 Kudos
Message 32 of 39

alguein me podria ayudar con la coneccion de arduino DUE con labview, no consigo hacer la coneccion con esta libreria

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 39

When LIFA first came out the Arduino IDE used a .pde extension for sketches.  But a couple of years ago the Arduino IDE started using .ino extension for sketches.  Hence you should be looking for LIFA_Base.ino.


0 Kudos
Message 34 of 39

no, esa etencion tampoco es compatible con mi tarjeta arduino DUE, por eso he tenido complicaciones al realizar la coneion con labview

0 Kudos
Message 35 of 39

An Arduino Due is not compatible with LIFA or LINX.


0 Kudos
Message 36 of 39

entonces con cual es compatible? o como se realiza la comunicacion?

0 Kudos
Message 37 of 39

LIFA is compatible with the Arduino Uno and the Mega 2560.

LINX is compatible with the Arduino Uno, Mega 2560, Leonardo, Nano and Mega 1280.


0 Kudos
Message 38 of 39

thanks for lvifa link, i had the same problem but after downloading the zip it worked..though it still giving me error 5002 and don't know whats the problem

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Message 39 of 39