LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Reading SPI of MAX31855

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There seems to be something more fundamentally wrong with the setup the last byte is in the front that why I always have to change the wireing in read Raw and I don't know how to fix it I'm afraid. when I ran it with two units the error shows up to where one of the bytes from the first max chip is ending up in the data from the last chip

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Message 71 of 131

I noticed after digging into the vi's REAL deep the Wait for is showing 5 bytes available but we only need/read 4. I am not sure where the extra byte is comeing from.

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Message 72 of 131

I think I'll try to write it myself from scratch and see how far I get. Thanks for the help!

0 Kudos
Message 73 of 131

ok let me know how it goes there is another thread that has a v2 for multiple max chips if you wanna look at how that one was done. the communication to the max chip is good from the ardiuino it is when the data is sent from the arduino to labview that there is an error. like I stated earlier the arduino is making 5 bites available when it should only be making 4 avaiable per read. it seams like the first byte of the next chip is being stuck on the end of the reading imaging 4 bytes from the first read then one byte from the next to make the 5 bytes but labview seems to be reading the last 4 of 5 so it gets 3 from the first read and one from the last.

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Message 74 of 131


im also planning to use the max31855 in combination with arduino and lifa. at fist i was trying to get it working with the sandartd lifa spi vis but that seemed not to work. So i found this board and want to try it again with your custom firmware.

Is there any final version of the firmware and the lifa vis? i found a lot of different states of the software here in this board and i'm not sure which i should use.

i hope you can help me.

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Message 75 of 131

I'm told that my library works with my custom firmware.  However, it is based on an earlier version of LIFA (back when it was called LVIFA) but you shouldn't have too much trouble making it work.

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Message 76 of 131