04-03-2014 08:55 AM
If anybody can help me because I could not understand how some people manage to make it work!!! I am simply connecting the MAX31855 board from Adafruit to the Arduino UNO, nothing complicated, and try to take temperature measurments from a K-type thermocouple and transfer them to Labview. I have tried using Nathan's library but with no results. When I just run Get TC Data Only.vi the mearuments are crazy (~700), or are flactuating like crazy. When I try to use the example program the 1st LED-Error lights up and the measurements are crazy again. Also Labview asks me to connect the MAX31855 block to CS, which I do in order to run it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if someone can help me, I am a beginner in Labview and have managed to understand how it works but this is a bit over my skills to fully understand. Thank you!
04-03-2014 11:39 PM
Hi nms28
Can you post your VIs?
Either that or you need to post specific questions to get better help.
04-04-2014 02:39 AM
Basically my setup is really simple for the moment. I connect the MAX31855 Adafruit board to the Arduino Uno and I want to take measurements using Labview. I don't have a specific VI I have been trying the ones posted on this forum but with no luck. I don't understand how some people managed to make them work. Is there a trick to it as it uses a custom firmware? Thank you for your time!
08-17-2014 12:26 AM
Hi, I tried to open the MAX31855, Im getting an error, does anyone have the LV libraries for it? Cause its missing cant get thevi to open. Thank you
08-17-2014 12:35 AM
Which one did you try to use? What error are you getting?
The latest one that I posted is in Post 81.
08-17-2014 01:12 AM
Tried to run the max31855.vi alone, didnt notice the whole library sorry. Got it Thanks!
Quick question: This max31855 you gave would be the where I should collect the temperature from thermocouple right? And it wonly works for 1 arduino right?