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"sample" to add to probability menu

Status: Declined

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One of the more important and useful functions, especially for exploratory data analysis in R, is the ability to take N samples from an input provided set with or without replacement.


LabVIEW should have that.  It would be relatively straightforward, and would start moving G toward having more shared Venn-diagram with R.


Personally, I think you should look at the NIST EDA techniques library, and built a toolset off of it.


It is tax-funded source code, so it is something you should be able to access and integrate without too much work.

Knight of NI

Sounds like an add--on or toolkit to me. What is preventing you to make it?

Active Participant

wiebe - I'm open to making it, but I don't know how to make a "library" to share.

I know how to make an R-package, but I don't know how to make the LabVIEW equivalent.  If I did, I would share on github (or vipm).

Knight of NI

We have the opposite problem: no knowledge of R...


It's hard to even 'recognize' the idea. It could be brilliant, but it's hard to get warm for an idea that I don't fully understand.

Active Participant

I wish I could help.  If there was a basic tutorial on how to make a package for VIPM, then maybe I could try?


Microsoft is "all-in" (purchase of Revo Analytics, integration into SQL server, good chunk of Azure).  The IEEE list gives R at #7. 

Consider this too:


MatLab is a hodgepodge, containing Perl, Python, R, C, and Fortran, so it doesn't count as a "pure language".  It is a front-end.



Knight of NI

I wasn't doubting R, I just don't know anything about it.


Nothing wrong with GitHub. VIPM is a nice to have, it shouldn't be a show stopper.

Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has not received any kudos within a year after posting will be automatically declined.