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Web accessible front panels

Status: New

It has been needed for a very long time to have web accessible front panels.  During the development of NXG this problem was solved with the web module.  I am not sure why they stopped development with NXG because was an extremely nice upgrade and was making Labview more future-proof.  NXG was then turned into G web development software.  Personally, I think the web portion should be an addon and native to Labview as eventually, that is where it will need to go anyway.  In the meantime, the only solution we would have is to possibly use G Web Development software as a front end development and regular labview as a backend.  To do this cleanly we would really need the shared variables available in G web development environment.  This would open back up doors that were closed once NXG was not supported anymore and would offer a solution until something native is added to Labview.  In my world, every customer wants and expects web-accessible applications.  I get the response all the time "Your software can do all of this control but isn't accessible from a browser on our LAN - my residential doorbell can even do that".  If I am missing some method to implement this currently (other than SystemLink) please reach out and I appreciate you considering some kind of solution to fill this very large need.


PS - I still don't understand why NXG support stopped if anybody knows.  Took a little getting used to but I saw big potential with that development software.   

AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Regarding your PS... see here. If you wish to discuss it further, this is a good discussion thread so that we don't pollute the Idea Exchange with something off topic.


I appreciate the discussion thread for the NXG info and it was pretty thorough